Saturday, May 23, 2009


I am not having an easy time of things, mah peeps.

Okay, fine, YES it's spring and YES to some degree that makes me happy; but spring carries with it a certain burden of expectations, and if there's one thing I can't live up to anymore, it's expectations.

I was watching a movie the other night on TCM, and Robert Osborne (Mr. Voice of TCM, and what they'll do for a host when HE's gone I'm sure I don't want to see) said something about an actress who "lost the will to live, and died shortly thereafter..." And I thought to myself How, exactly, does one go about doing that? Losing the will to live, I mean; it seems like the sort of thing only actresses would have the luxury of doing. If you're an actress and you just wither away and die, you're instantly a glamorous heroine for the ages; if you're NOT an actress or any of the other pretty things, withering away is seen as a self-indulgence. Oh, I'm swimming in an EXTRA-special pond THESE days; if you're feeling brave, try to wrap your brain around the notion that I'm taking my nonfunctionality as a sign of laziness and bad character, and my sadness as quantifiable proof that I'm NOT the wonderful person I wish I was--because if I was wonderful, I'd be able to just blaze on through the sadness without a flicker. Beat yourself up much, Gladys?

There's a lot of crap floating around in my life right now. I'm basically supporting, in whole or in part, four-point-three human beings and four cats--there's me, Tim, Squeaky and the Fetus, CR; Snick, Bad, Cassidy, and Tangerine (the last two being Tim and Squeaky's cats. Cass is a veteran of my various residences; Tangie is an absolutely precious little ball of fluff who literally followed Tim to Squeaky's one night a few months ago. I would resent Tangie's presence more if she wasn't so damn freaking ADORABLE and if her presence didn't make me smile at least once or twice a day. This is a seriously cute kitty, folks--almost, but not quite, as cute as my Snick was when he was a teeny kitten.) I've been sending CR money on my own--he only asked once, but I know he's in a baaaaad place right now, maybe even more bad than I am, emotionally speaking. At least HE appreciates it, which is currently more than I can say for the Tim-Squeaky unit.

See, Squeak has a part time job, and what with various delays and red tape, it's taken a while to get her paperwork to go through and blah, blah, and everytime she's borrowed money from me she's promised me: "I'll pay you back when my check comes." Now I don't expect to be paid in full by any means, but just throw me $30 and say "hey, this is all we've got but I do appreciate it..." etc.

Her check came yesterday. Last night when I got home I said something about having to get up early today, and she said "yeah, us too!" I said "Really? Where are you going?" and she replied "Just out."

I knew immediately something was up; this is the same woman who talks my ear off about every infinitesimal crumb of trivia she experiences through the course of a day, but now suddenly "we're just going out." Yeah, okay.

So this morning, I get up at 6:10 to get ready for work, and the two of them were up and dressed and moving around. "Hey," I said to Tim. "Where are you guys off to so early?" "Oh," he said. "We're just going to Great America." (Hint for my non-Chicago readers--Great America is a big amusement park about 50 miles north of here. When I was in grade school, tickets cost $40 each; I can't imagine what they cost now, to say nothing of what the food costs (and the Fetus dictates that Squeaky needs to consume her own weight in junk-food every six hours or so, apparently.)

So, let's see. $40 x 2 = $80 for tickets (though they probably got a discount); plus food for at least 1= about $20 at the least; transportation (I'm guessing they took the train) = $15 or so...what are we up to now, $115? They're going to spend a third of her check and I have not seen, nor even been offered, a DIME, despite the fact that I have boarded them for the entire spring thus far. Like I said, I don't expect to get a big wad of cash from them--just a token and a fuckin' ACKNOWLEDGEMENT would be plenty.

Tim told me where they were going as I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth; by the time I finished, they were gone--without so much as a "have a good day!" I sent a couple of mildly pissed-off text messages, but basically the response was "this was a spur of the moment thing, you have to work, and anyway you've been too busy to talk lately." Uh-huh, I have been busy--with my FUCKING JOB, which goes to support YOUR no-money-having, jobless pregnant asses!!!

I can't wait til the next time "Tim needs cigarette money" or "man, I'm really craving (whatever)". My reply is going to be very simple: "Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you work something out." I'll spend it on myself instead, or --this would REALLY smoke Tim's hindquarters--I'll send it to CR and then tell Tim I sent it! (And yes, I know I don't need to be helping CR, either, but there's a difference; unlike Tim, I trust CR will actually GET a job and not just TALK about paying me back someday.

There's a lot of other crap going on too--computers which won't work and which I've been trying to fix for someone after-hours; too damn many things in the world changing all at once, and other things staying the same no matter WHAT I would wish for; and this crushing sense that I am doing precisely NOTHING with my life--but the roomies were the sprinkles on the Chest Hair Cake of disaster. (Welcome, my friends, to the OTHER thing that's kept all my cracked little bits Scotch-taped together for the past few weeks: CakeWrecks. Go to the search box on that site and type "Falker Satherhood", and read the whole post, and snort beverage through your nose.)

God, I try so hard not to just be a draggy bag of's just a hard, hard road to walk. Cats and cakes and blogs and Froot Loops, and sometimes all four at once...they help, I guess, a little, but sometimes it's just hard to smile and act like everything is fine--especially when so much of my world is populated by people who either a)don't know me well (or shouldn't know me well), b)people who know me well but find me difficult; and c)opportunists who claim they appreciate the things you do until they're actually supposed to SHOW their appreciation--all those people to interact with every single day, and not a JP in the crowd. (Oh yeah: according to my shrink? I'm "idealizing" that relationship--apparently in her opinion, this isn't "real" grief at all, it's just a lack of a social life. I HUGELY beg to differ, but like any other crap I encounter, I just shrug it off and go along my way. It would be nice if even the people who are PAID to understand me would acquire a clue.)


  1. Okay, Gladys. I have three words for you that will solve your problem with Tim and Squeaky: KICK THEM OUT. Fuck the fetus; with any luck, all the roller coasters she rode today will have taken care of that aspect. She's so stupid. Everyone knows you don't ride roller coasters when you're pregnant. Seriously, kick them out.

    Your conscience won't be able to live with that decision? Too bad. Suck it up. They do NOTHING for you and you do EVERYTHING for their unappreciative asses. Do yourself a favor and cut the strings. The sooner you do it, the better off you'll be. You don't owe them anything.

    You created these problems by letting them back into your humble abode. Why do you beat yourself up about their problems? Sometimes I don't understand why you're so nice. You know they'll screw you over, and they do again and again, yet you STILL give them multiple chances. Let it go. Let them go.

    They are grifters and they'll never change. I, myself, would rather be lonely than surrounded by complete losers.

    Sorry for the rant, but Tim and Squeaky are so irritating and they use you and you let them time and again.

    Change the locks while they're gone one day and never look back. You're better than this.

  2. I'm going to second eatmisery's plan. I know, easier said than done, but seriously, read your post from when you first moved in to your apartment. You loved being alone with your cats, you loved that it was too small to host others. And then read this post about how much you dislike them. Squeaky and Tim need the tough love. Their child needs its parents to get this tough love. And the word verification I'm seeing here is telling me what your life will be if you don't kick them out (suckina is the word). Do it, and don't look back, their baby is not your problem, their situation is NOT YOUR PROBLEM. Where they go and what they do IS NOT YOUR PROBLEM. You need to worry about YOU and fix yourself. And if you don't like your shrink and what your shrink says, find a new one.

  3. Tim and Squeaky are a pair of losers who assume they can play you for a sucker indefinitely. You are doing them no favors by enabling this - and you appear to be worsening your own depression in the process. Here's hoping you pull the plug post-haste. As an aside, I would not be surprised if they lied about the amusement park and instead were out scoring. Bottom line: if Squeaky had any self-respect she would be putting money away for the baby after reimbursing you for your kindness. And why should you give Tim veto power over your having CR in your home or life if you choose? I agree with the above posters: KICK THEM in, now;)

  4. I like the lock-changing idea too. A note explaining why the decision was made (ingratitude and leechiness and using of you) and that's that.

    I don't think you have to worry that you'd never see them again, either. It's not like they won't still turn up again and again. No one else can put up with them for anywhere near as long as you do. But it would give you some space now.

  5. But, in the therapist's defense...of course, you are idealizing (though it's only marginally related to the grief part). All the good parts of your life are attached there and the bad parts are seen as by-products of losing it. I'd tell her how peeved you are at that comment, but then listen to what she says afterwards.

    Here's an analogy: you are for Tim and Squeaky (enabling them to not grow up and deal with the consequences of their actions) what your grief is to you (enabling you to not move forward to new things).

    Now, that's not a mean thing, it's not a thing that says you are a bad person (probably says the opposite) but it does say that you're caught, stuck and whatever you can do to come free will free you up to build new things and find some joy.

  6. oh G....
    if i were closer, i would come kick your butt!!!
    yeah of COURSE you're sad and stressed. you are supporting 3 people who bring nothing but drama to everyone around them.

    i agree with all your commenters. really.
    you don't need to tolerate this craziness just to have humans in your life. you are completely likeable. start believing it. you keep retreating to your room? that is nuts. why give up your space? the more you give them for free, the less they will do on their own. stop worrying about not being "nice". try on being a bitch for a week and see how it feels.

    and CR... don't EVEN get me started. i have problems remembering who's initials stand for who. but is this the man who brought a woman home to stay with you and then left with her? are you kidding me? why on earth do you owe him shit?

    oh g, i wish you could leave the losers in their own misery and go out and find some functional people. there are a few out there who won't suck you dry. i promise.

  7. What astonishing assholes you have living in your house.
    I haven't been reading your blog long enough to, you know, not be an outsider, so I won't get too elaborate, but you must, must, must protect yourself from this. In my experience of leeches, they'll eat at you and the worst part will be knowing that you let them.

  8. Gladys, it is sad that you are so depressed and discouraged about your life. However, your online peeps are telling you the truth. These "friends" are poison. Hey, those two would pull me down, too, and I'm a disgustingly upbeat person.

    You seem to be a very compassionate person. Please, please redirect your compassion to volunteering with the charity of your choice (people, animals, whatever) so that you can use your home and your private time to recharge yourself. Forgo the drama and save yourself.

  9. Gladys, sweetheart, didn't you just jump for joy the last time you got rid of those two parasites??? It seems like only yesterday...I was so happy for you then....kick em out, NOW!! Fortheloveofgod, woman....they will NEVER change...EVER....and you deserve better friends (if that's what you call them).
    C'mon, can do it! It is NOT your job to support everyone else!! Damn, need a "rescuer intervention!"
    Teh CrazyOldLady @ ICHC

  10. Hey, you don't know me - I've enjoyed reading your blog and backstory for some time now.

    Thus I'm aware that it's impertinent of me to register my opinions!

    It seems to me - an outsider - that again and again you somehow expect that THIS time, things will be different with Tim & Squeaky. I don't see what makes you think that, except that you do deserve things to be different. you deserve appreciation, or less mooching, or ... but it won't happen. they will mooch from you and feel entitled to do so because you let them.

    I also think that it's possible that both things are true: you had a wonderful relationship that ended tragically and prematurely, and of course you idealize it, especially since things haven't been so great since. Idealizing it doesn't mean it wasn't wonderful, but it does keep you from wanting to move on.

    again, sorry for the impertinence.
