Monday, September 7, 2009


(That title, incidentally, is a squinchy-face, such as normally accompanies the response "Oh you DO, do you.")

I am saying exactly this much on the subject, and no more.

It's very easy to say what you would, or wouldn't, do in a given set of circumstances. I'm fairly good at it, myself; when people tell me of an encounter with some rude individual, I immediately go into "Oh, man, if I'd have been there I'd have told that S.O.B. where to get off...", generally complete with illustrative uppercuts and chest-puffings-out--and when I run into the same style of rude person, I shrink like a violet, and benignly smile as I get the hell out of their way. It's easy to know what someone should do, when "someone" isn't you.

It's a little more difficult, though, when you have the actual PEOPLE in front of you; one person who, despite the current state of affairs, was once your friend; and the other, seven months pregnant and with nowhere to go (LITERALLY nowhere; that's not a rhetorical device). What each of them has or has not done really doesn't come into consideration when it comes to kicking people out of your home.

There is a deadline; at least one party is making an effort; and honestly, that's about all I feel comfortable saying right now. I'm going to confess that this is starting to feel less like my blog and more like an inquisition, and I don't like that feeling. I have enough inquisitors in real life.


  1. They will be gone before you know it. And your home will be yours once again.

    I'm not judging you, nor would I ever. I'm just glad to not be in your shoes. Nothing about this situation is easy at all.

  2. Oh dearie me -- I looked back at what had to be the relevant post and discovered that your regular readers have reached the point at which concern becomes kind of... vitriolic.

    I'm going to send you positive thoughts to do what's best for you and otherwise shut the hell up.

  3. Oh Gladys, I'm so sorry the internet is all up in your face. And you are very right, it's something I've said many times. It's easy to sit back and say "I'd do this" in a given situation when you're not in that situation. No one really knows what they would do or what they are capable of until they're staring it in the face.
    I really hope your home becomes your home again. But I know that you will do what is best for you and your conscience. Please do your best to stand your ground when something you don't want to happen is in your face. It is YOUR HOME and you deserve to be happy and comfortable and stress free in your home.
    I too will send positive thoughts your way.

  4. Gladys, tell us all to take a hike when we step out of line. Seriously, we are not in your shoes and we do NOT know what we would do...regardless of what we say. Do what you have to do, girl...just remember that all your loyal readers want is for you to be happy!!!!!
    Debbie (COL)
