Saturday, October 17, 2009

An Unfortunate Lack of Resistance

Remember those other two kittens, the calico and the orangey, we weren't going to keep?

See.....What had happened was.....

Okay, what had REALLY happened was, they were too damn cute to let go of. Squeaky had totally bonded with the little orange one, and when Tim said something to the effect of "When he's adopted..." and Squeaky's face just crumpled up and she started BAWLING. After that, there was no way either Tim or I could take that cat away from her. And once she had her cat, Tim and I figured "in for a penny, in for a pound and a quarter of fluffy, longish calico fur". We've agreed to co-parent her, which is fine; I'll keep her for now, and then when Tim is in a better place, he can take her.

All four cats are still in my room, which is now a scene of kitten-induced madness. And Snickers is terribly upset with me; he's not allowed in my room because the kittens are still carrying some fleas around with them. (Tim and Squeaky are such a pair of drama queens..."Ewww. It's disGUSting. I can FEEL the fleas all built up on their skin." Okay, see, if that's ANYTHING flea-related? It's flea dirt. It washes off. And Tim is so damn particular about how things are to be done; he bought a flea dip and dipped them once, but now all flea control is on hold because the lady at the pet store convinced him that he could not in all good conscience consider himself a cat-lover unless he bought this particular out-of-stock flea powder which was supposed to be in Tuesday. It's Saturday, and it's still not in, and the cats still have fleas, and this whole problem could have been solved if we had just dipped them again, I think. But Tim will do it Tim's way.) My poor Snick just sits outside the door and tries to run in; one of the few times he succeeded, I grabbed him and he hissed at me. My baby--hissed at me!!! So needless to say I'm looking forward to letting him back in the room and letting him have his space back.

But the kittens...OMG, they are completely and utterly teh cyoot. My little calico (currently named Marigold, because in her early awkward days as the runt of the litter, she reminded me of this character....Now, not quite so much.) is so soft and fluffy....and has such WICKED pointy arms look like I've been juggling chainsaws. But these are the things we live with, when we have no defense against the utterly cute.

(What did Squeaky name her cat? You know, I think I'll make this a guessing game. The winner gets to be the one who wins, and will be applauded for their graspage of the very, very very obvious. I'll even post a pic, just so you can see who's being named.....)


  1. i expect to see your kitty-cat's antics on icanhazcheeseburger posthaste!

    hello again.

  2. Did you think about using the topical solution called Advantage? it kills all fleas in 12 hours. It's available over the counter now.

  3. Oh, sorry, I just realized you're not supposed to use Advantage on kittens under 8 weeks of age.

  4. Awright, since no one's guessing the cat's name, my top three picks, in order, are:

    1. Marmalade
    2. Stripey
    3. Garfield

  5. Actually, they're about ten weeks now, so they should be Advantage-able. And frankly, that's the road down which I'm heading; if this flea problem hasn't been resolved by Friday (payday!) I'm off to PetSmart.

    And to the perceptive Anonymous (who I'm trusting is NOT Firefly, since she already knows the answer) who guessed that Squeaky had named the orange tabby kitten "Tiger"--you win a non-existent cigar and/or Kewpie doll. (She wanted to name the calico "Callie" but I pulled rank and outvoted her.)

  6. Kewpie Doll please, I don't smoke cigars, non-existant or otherwise. :)

    I'm not Firefly, just a random anonymous person that stumbled upon your blog and enjoys reading it.


  7. can give them a pill called Capstar that kills every bug they have on them have to get it from a vet, but I have used it and it is very safe!! As for treating your carpets, I have a tried and true remedy for that if you would like it. Just let me know.
    Debbie (COL on ICHC)

  8. Once Anonymous posted "Tiger," I was embarrassed not to have thought of it... it was so obviously the right answer.

  9. is Tiger the real name or the blogified name? i forgot.

  10. Did Squeaky have the baby yet? She's due right about now, isn't she?

  11. Dying to know what's happening with you and yours, Gladys!
