Saturday, January 9, 2010

Wow...It's Been THAT Long?

Okay. First: I am alive.
Second: I am...reasonably well, at the moment, though last week I could have cheerfully killed whichever member of the CTA-riding public had passed along his or her pathogens to me. (It had to be the bus. Public vehicles are like Winnebagos for microbes.) But now I am healthy, as much as I ever am, and apart from the usual suspects--the irritations of daily life and a case of morbid depression--I'm roughly indistinguishable from the masses.

However, the fact that it's now been a MONTH since I've last posted--even taking into account the whole "it-was-the-holidays" thing--startles me quite unpleasantly. That's a long damn time, is what it is, and while I'll be the first to tell you that nearly nothing of note has happened in that time, I could have at least tossed out a post or two regarding the adorable insanity of my cats--or another post about I-Go, regrettably, with a possible tangent questioning why it is, exactly, that my clinic days seem to coincide perfectly with the most damnable weather EV-ER. (Because remember that snowstorm Thursday morning, the one that hit its peak during the morning rush? Guess where I was? Oh yeah. Drivin' in a Prius and sliding around like it had skis instead of wheels. My normal 60-75 minute errand to the clinic, the grocery across the street, and back home took THREE HOURS, and adding to the insult, WLUP fired Jonathan Brandmeier, the morning guy, and so there was nothing of consequence for me to listen to while sitting in traffic. Pack of bastards.)

Other than that, though--cats and cars and totally unnecessary winter weather--not much has been going on. Maybe I'll think of something tomorrow, but I just wanted to volunteer that yes, I am alive; and that I'm not drowning in the Slough of Despond, or anything like that; not much, anyway. Hope you all are well, and I'm sure something will piss me off fairly soon.


  1. I'm in favor of your being alive!

    Talk about cats. It's always good to talk about cats.

  2. I concur with drwende. All in favor of your being alive! And yes talk about cats! My cat amuses me endlessly with her snoring. Do your cats snore? I'm also pissed that Brandmeier is gone. I love him.

  3.'re back! Believe it or not, we MISS you when you don't post! Keep warm...and stay in touch with your devoted fans!!
    Debbie (COL)

  4. I've missed you, Gladys. I miss your posts.
