Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Bleah. Enough of THAT.

Okay, I'm done wallowing for now. Though I AM going to take a moment to bemoan the fact that it is an absolutely GORGEOUS fall day and I am cooped up in an exceedingly non-gorgeous office. In other words, the sad lament of the cubicle-hound. Such is life, right? and at least they pay me enough to BUY a house.

:::staring at the fucking phone which only rings for things I don't NEED to know...:::

Still waiting on the closing date. Waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and....Okay, see, this really sucks. This is like...this is like those minutes when you were a little kid, right? and it was Christmas morning and you woke up at like, 5:30 AM and your parents said "Don't you DARE wake us til 7:00 this year!" so you sat there, looking at the clock...5:45...6:15...6:45...6:58...6:59...and when 7:00 FINALLY came around you ran into your parents' bedroom, right....

...and then--EVEN THOUGH it was already 7:00 and you were about to spontaneously COMBUST from waiting so hard, EVEN THOUGH you'd done EXACTLY what you were told--even DESPITE those things, you STILL had to wait for them to get up, wait for them to put on their robes and slippers, get the camera ready or make some coffee or clean their glasses or SOMETHING stupid and useless from a kid's standpoint.

THAT's what this is like--that last five minutes where all the adults are fucking around with their boring stuff and all I can think about is how much I want to get at those presents under the tree. I want to get in with my tape-measure and figure out how big a fridge I can get. I want to schedule all my utilities. I want to call the movers and have The Day scheduled, and--apologies to Veruca Salt (the Willy Wonka character, not the mid-90's band)--I want it NOW!!!

I think a large part of my calmness, my seeming refusal to be scared even when 99% of the populace thinks I OUGHT to be, is this: no matter what, I refuse to make ANYTHING a catastrophe. I mean, I get pissed out of all proportion to things, true enough--but I don't EVER think ANYTHING is life-endingly huge in and of itself.

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