Thursday, February 12, 2004

I should be in bed.

I should be in bed. It's going on 11, I haven't showered yet, and I've been running around like a decapitated chicken all day. I got off work, LJ took me to the store, and then I set about the task of cleaning up this house and making a chicken dinner for LJ's sister, who's in town from Memphis. This would have been no problem, had LJ not taken off as soon as the groceries were in the house; and also had he not brought back not just his sister, but also his cousin. Fortunately I'd thrown extra chicken into the grease, so there was plenty to go around; but I have to admit being just a teeny bit peeved. However, I HAD offered to cook, so I can't blame him; what I CAN blame him for, though, is not sticking around to run the vacuum or something--even just to offer moral support.

I am only going to bitch about one thing about my job today:

Nancy--the same Nancy who went to Amy when it looked, two days ahead of time, as though I didn't do what she asked--today blew me off when I was trying to get her to upload something to the web page--something Beverly had SPECIFICALLY requested (demanded!) to be uploaded immediately--for the following reason: "I have a test today, the teacher is coming in an hour early, and if I don't leave now I'll miss my train."

I will be more than happy to quote that to Beverly when she tears me a new asshole because the page isn't uploaded. (Just LET me pull some shit like that and see what happens.)

Okay--off to the shower. I'm just tired...and the whole female thing ain't helping, either.

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