Monday, April 17, 2006


From the Tribune website:
Cynic that I am, I thought they were going to let him off scot-free. I'm fairly impressed that they didn't. I'm not so optimistic that I think it will change anything in the culture of "government as usual" here in Illinois--as corrupt as some third-world countries--but it's nice to see someone (or in this case, twelve someones) standing up against it.

Of course, it will be months or years before it's over--they're already talking about appeals, and I'm sure the two dismissed jurors are going to be a good starting point--and Ryan's an old man; he may never see a moment of jail time. But the fact remains: the legacy he was hoping to create for himself, of George-the-Humanitarian, George-the-Nobel-Prize-Nominee, is dead. In its place he's leaving George-the-Criminal, George-the-Convict. And frankly, even putting all my cynicism aside, that's as it should be.


  1. Good news, how in the world does anyone live on $500 or so dollars a year. Those were his only bank withdrawls? I want a job where people hand me envelopes full of cash. That no one is suprised is a great comment on the state that we live in. We produced "Honest Abe", right? What a crook, I bet Blago's about 3 years behind George.

  2. Georgy, Georgy, Georgy...........

  3. Oooo, I want to be handed envelopes of cash, too! Where do I sign up?
