Saturday, January 12, 2008

Free to Good Home

Okay, I'm lying. I would never, never give away one of my cats.

How much would you pay me for one, though?, wait.
I should calm down.

I went to work today.
Before I went to work, I set up a bunch of stuff on the DVR to tape, so I could watch it tonight when I got home. I thought, as I walked home from the train, Ah yes...a pleasant night of TV and solitude. And I needed it; I was in a bad mood anyway.

I arrived home and walked into my room. As I walked in, I heard a whirring noise, like the fan of a computer makes when it's stuck on ON. And the front of the DVR was blank, which would have been surprising except:

1. The DVR was what was making the whirring noise;
2. A large, formerly-juicy hairball was sitting on top of the DVR, having exuded its essence through the ventilation holes on top of the unit. (BadCat likes to sleep up there, because it's warm. I'm pretty sure he was the culprit, but the furball was more grayish than whitish, so it could have been Snick too.)

The DVR: dead.
My hours of DVRed movies and episodes I'd not yet watched: gone.
The customer-service guy to whom I spoke at Comcast: laughing his butt COMPLETELY OFF.
My cable appointment, for the guy to come and install a new unit: Monday.
My cats: on a long-term shit-list of outrageous magnitude.

Ohhhh, I am pissed, my peeps. The cat could have jumped to the floor, or aimed over the edge, or any number of other approved hairball-emission tactics. Instead, he killed my DVR. Couldn't he have yarked on top of the computer monitor, instead?? I'm looking for an excuse to get a nice flatscreen...

I can has sympathy???


  1. Fine, but look at the bright side, how often do the Comcast customer service people actually get to laugh, their job entails people screaming at them all day long (myself included) that they need to fix the HD signal. You truly brightened up someones day. So for that, I salute you. Thank God my 85 pound Golden Retriever can't get on top of the Comcast box here. I don't think that would be pretty.

  2. Yikes. This is exactly why I strategically place things so that Mr. B or Lizzy cannot whark onto things of precious electrical nature.

    I'd be lost without my DVR too. May it rest in peace.

  3. Oh no, I'm so sorry! My DVR died and lost ALL my shows too. But it wasn't the cat's fault, it was a power surge or something of that nature. My "puke machine" ALWAYS puked on the rugs. NEVER did she puke on the hard wood floor where it is MUCH EASIER to clean it up, no she always had to run to the rug and puke on it. Cats are evil. I think they puke just to show us who is really in charge of the house.

  4. See, this is why we don't HAVE nice things.

    Reminds me of these dumbass rednecks who kept a squirrel as a pet (dumbasses) until it chewed their holiest of holies, THE TEEVEE REMOTE.

    Heaven forfend.
