Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Only Thing Dumber

...than reading the comments section of a politically-oriented or otherwise-controversial news story/news blog??

Is reading the comments section of a Perez Hilton item.

Because G-d knows Amy Winehouse might not ever, even accidentally, be RIGHT about something.

(Okay, yeah; it's Amy Winehouse. And yeah, it's self-justifying. But it also happens to be FACTUAL; in fact, back when I was in rehab, they gave us an immense amount of information re: the physical risks, long-term and short-term, of various drugs. By far the most destructive long-term effects were caused by alcohol--in fact, I remember thinking "Damn, it's a good thing I don't like to drink!" So for people to just jump all over it like they know what they're talking about...urgh.)

1 comment:

  1. I will say that I've worked with several long time heroin users and long time alcoholics and definitely alcohol just plays riot with your body worse (if you can avoid the infections or Hepatitis).
