Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I hope all of you are having a good holiday.

Me, not so much. I'm stuck working Christmas Eve til 6:30 PM even though there's NO ONE else in the building except me and the few others in my department who share my bad luck.

And yesterday, FedEx delivered the package containing my mom's Christmas present--a mini-DVD player--and by the time I got home, someone had stolen it. Ho ho ho, right? And of course, the security cameras weren't running. After a few hours of trying to find out where it might have ended up, I just accepted fate and forked out another $150-plus for a new one. THIS one gets delivered to Mom's.

People are jerks, you know?

Anyway, I'll be spending the night at Mom's--oh joy!--and we're having Christmas Dinner with the Fun Relatives. So that's a good thing. Maybe I'll feel more Christmasy then; at the moment, though, not so much.

Stoopid thieving bastards. I hope they use it to watch porn and it slams shut on their naughty-bits and chops them off.

As for the REST of you, Merry Christmas (unless you stole my FedEx package, in which case: see above.)


  1. Merry Christmas Gladys, I hope you have a great 09, and I can't wait to hear about it.

  2. Well, if it isn't a merry Christmas, I will at least wish you a December 26 that comes as a relief -- and a better 2009.
