Wednesday, July 7, 2010

An Informational Public Service Announcement

Friendly friends of mine, please allow me to pass along the wisdom of my many years upon this earth. (Firefly, you really wanna stop reading NOW--this post references the V word repeatedly, graphically, and in the ickiest ways imaginable.)

You know, the world is filled with lessons. "Don't touch that stove." "Don't walk down dark alleys alone at midnight." "Doctors don't tell you a damn thing you need to know."

Oh...yeah, that last one probably needs some explaining, hm?

For six of the seven most recent days, I was sick.
No, not stuffy-nose, Kleenex-trailing sick; not cramps or bird flu or bubonic plague or any of the other mild little inconveniences of life. I didn't know WHAT it was, actually; from a descriptive point of view, it was "mild stomach pain, not helped by rest, by tea, by Rolaids, by ginger ale, by Pepto, by Sprite, by changing positions; alternating with repeated retching, gagging, hurling, Technicolor yawning; coupled with nightmares (when sleeping) and really painful and undignified intestinal occurrences (fortunately, only when waking) and highlighted by the repeated and ungratified wish for the mercy of Death." Also, intense sweating (possibly due to the 90-degree temperatures) and the puking out of my spleen.

Y'all, I was NEVER sick like this before...well, okay, I was--ONCE. And that was here. Which, if you recall, involved a week's hospitalization, two major surgical procedures, and a lot of misery. I've had opiate withdrawals easier than this week was, is what I'm saying here.

I thought a lot of things. What I did NOT think was "hm, I wonder if this has anything to do with trying to wean myself off the antidepressants?"

Well, it was. In a big way. More details when I'm at a computer that is NOT in a 90+-degree room--but I've learned a LOT these last couple of days, and I'm none too happy about any of it.

More soon. I'm fine now, fortunately...not unscathed, but fine. Oh--and pissed.


  1. good lor g,
    are you sure it wasn't related to the gallbladder thing?
    hope you are ok

  2. My thoughts are with you, Gladys. I hope you're okay.

  3. oooh, gladys, i hope you're continuing to feel better (still pissed of course, and i don't blame ya!). i don't remember if you said what anti-depressant you were on, but i know my brother has gone off of a few different ones, even with the doc's supervision and "weaning" etc., and he has gone through the same kind of thing. ugly.

  4. Ok, Gladys. Level with me. Have you given up on this blog? It's been over a month now. Is everything okay? Seriously.

  5. still checkin your blog at least once a week... worried about you... please at least post and tell us to eff off if you like.

  6. Ok, Gladys. I give up.

    Is everything okay? You've really got me worried. I've read your blog every day for several YEARS. You haven't posted in nearly two months! I'm beginning to think you're dead.

    Firefly, do you know if she's okay? Just checking in and concerned.

  7. Hey, Gladys!!! Nearly two months now....this is starting to get seriously serious.....anybody??
