Thursday, September 2, 2010

"You Really, Really Like Me!"

Sorry for the long absence; I haven't given up on this place, but it's been a hectic couple of months.

Let's see. I was put on probation at work at the beginning of July, for excessive absence and for not keeping up with the rest of the pack in terms of completed work tickets, and for increasingly falling asleep at my desk. Well, we know all about that sleep thing: Gladys hasn't been using her CPAP because it's completely worthless and blah, blah...maybe if I went in for a sleep study I could get a BiPAP, which are supposedly easier to tolerate. So I went for the sleep study, where it was decided that I do NOT have sleep apnea. The next test, at the end of next week, will either confirm or disprove the new possibility: there's a good chance I have narcolepsy. THAT will be another blog post entirely; hell, so will the work probation thing.

Next topic: CR has been living here, and we've done almost nothing but hang around and enjoy each other's company. But again--that's a post all its own. This is the happiest I've been in many years. We are very good for each other, and any skepticism I've felt has largely disappeared.

I have my all-day sleep study next Friday, which involves spending Thursday night and the whole day Friday hanging out at the hospital, taking naps throughout the day. The rest of the time, though, I hope to be able to use my little laptop to catch up on my blogging. As you can see, I won't be lacking for material!

Til then--nobody panic, as I am alive, and well, and totally swamped.


  1. YAY!!! been waiting to see that you are okay! i've been exactly there, i mean EXACTLY where you are in terms of work/possible illness/etc. I'm with you all the way. Don't know how helpful that is but here I am :)

  2. are alive and well! I was really worried!
    Debbie teh CrazyOldLady

  3. It's about damn time, Gladys! I thought you were DEAD! Don't ever do that to us again.

    Narcolepsy wouldn't surprise me. I'm wondering if a different job entirely would produce the same results. I'm wondering if you're just bored to death with what you're doing. Could it be that?

    On a lighter note, I am so happy for you and CR. You deserve all the happiness you can get.

  4. I'm so happy you're OK. I too was put "on notice" from my job. I find it ironic to think that I've got to work harder to keep a job I'm not sure I want. I NEED the job, but I'm looking for a new one. I hope everything gets better! It's great to hear you and CR are doing well. Don't be a stranger. (and I'll try updating my own blog more regularly too)

  5. Are you ready for another update, Gladys? I'm dying to find out what's happening in your neck of the woods.

  6. I sent her a private email a couple of weeks ago and heard nothing back. Maybe she and Rob Feder are on a remote island somewhere?
