Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Fuck You, Kirstie Alley

This is a quote from an interview with Kirstie Alley about her recent weight loss and what caused her to gain weight in the first place.

The good part of it was, `I'm going to spend more time with my kids, I'm going to cook.' The bad decision was and this is the dumbest decision I've ever made in my life it went like this: If a man really loves me, he will not have to love me for my body. He will really love me just for me. ... When did I decide I was a big fat girl?"

The absolute and blinding hatred I am feeling right now cannot be accurately described. I am so glad she was a lousy actress to begin with, so I don't have to boycott any of her crap because I never watched any of it anyway.

I'm gonna lay down now.


  1. Jeez. And people wonder why so many girls and women have body and self esteem issues.

    As a former member of that number I would like to second Gladys' sentiment.

    "Fuck you Kirstie Alley!"

    Oh, and Gladys, good to see you doing better and dropping by my place. I've been there girl,you can make it.

    Much love- (but not for KA)

  2. I'd love to join the bash Kirstie fan club...but I have to say that I see a lot of her own insecurities in that lovely quote (although they are pretty twisted)...she's basically saying she felt like she couldn't be entirely sure that someone really loved her, if she was thin. Yes, it's twisted, and it's very sad.

    She annoys the hell out of me, but I also find her a just very sad woman.

  3. Spins: normally I would applaud your compassion, but here's the problem as I see it:

    B- or C-list or whatever, she's a celebrity. And there are people who look up to her (though I, personally, don't know any of them.) If she has insecurities like that then she needs to deal with them in private; in public statements like that, though, she's basically implying that it's bad to be "a big fat girl" and that fat girls shouldn't be loved FOR who they are, but DESPITE who they are, and I just can't stand that sort of bullshit. Especially when it's implicitly ENDORSED by a celebrity, of any standing.

    To her question "when did I decide I was a big fat girl?" I reply with "When did society as a whole decide that it was no longer permissible to talk shit about minorities and sexual orientations, but somehow fat chicks are still fair game??" I hear bullshit like that on the radio all the time, and it just makes me burn.

  4. Gladys - I see your point, and with most celebrities, I agree. But with Kirstie, I still can't work up a good rage towards her. Surprising, I can't work up anger toward her about Scientology either.

  5. Ooh, I forgot about the Scientology thing!!!

    Now I REALLY need to slap her.

    ("vbysocr"--a nude version of European football, played with sex toys.)

  6. Gladys do I detect a little anger?
