Sunday, November 13, 2005

Slow Time In Gladystopia

I'm still here and still okay, in case anyone's wondering. I tend not to post when I don't have anything interesting to say (at least, nothing interesting to me!) and it's been one of those weeks. Just work and sleep and the odd phone conversation, laundry and feeding the cats and trying to figure out why Illustrator suddenly stopped working. It's really BORING right now, is what I'm saying, and I can't quite wrestle a blog post out of the REALLY mundane details.

I mean, I could try to work up something about how there was a big honkin' millipede in the bedroom and LJ wasn't around and the cats wanted nothing to do with it, so I took the vacuum and put the hose attachment on and chased the millipede up and down the wall for five minutes til it finally got sucked into the hose, and that solved the problem except now I'm afraid to empty the dirt cup for fear it's set up a colony in there....

(Yes, I really did kill a millipede with the vacuum. Death By Hoover. Stop giggling. Those things are scary.)

And I do have a couple of posts I'm working on, but I have to be in a certain state of mind to write them. The only states of mind I've dealt with lately have been "boredom/dissatisfaction", "panic at the amount of stuff I could/should be doing", and "holy crap, this house needs work".

This boredom is clearly MY problem, though. It's like someone said on another blog--this kind of boredom comes from the same place, emotionally, that leads people to open the fridge, look at all the food--sandwich fixings, leftovers, cake, soda, fruit, pickles, the whole works--and announce "There's nothing to eat." I have dozens of things I could be doing, and none of them appeals to me.

I am in a big, ugly rut.

In researching counselors--and before anyone says anything positive about that, I want to make it clear that the scope of that "research" has involved twenty minutes, the Yellow Pages, and an increasing sense of overwhelmed cluelessness--but anyway, in my research I found this:

"Emotions Anonymous".

Now granted, I am a bit of a reductionist thinker; but follow along with me, won't you?

If Alcoholics Anonymous exists to help people stop consuming alcohol, and Narcotics Anonymous exists to help people stop taking narcotics...Emotions Anonymous would exist to help people stop having emotions???

And is it wrong that my first reaction to that was "hey, where do I sign up?"


  1. Millipedes, cockroaches...all those primordial beasts that are destined to outlast our species. It is our right, nay our duty, to kill them in any manner available, while we yet have the chance.

    You are a brave, vacuum weilding, warrioress, and I salute you!

  2. Do you think if the millipede were to survive it's ordeal that it would tell it's mates it was abducted by aliens?

    "There I was just nosing about in the bath when I was sucked up this big tube..."

  3. Are they really millipedes or silverfish? I've seen a couple of those here lately, too, and the cats never seem to be around when those nasty things are. Like you, I'd vacuum them up, but I'm convinced that they would start laying eggs and stuff.

    Anyway, good luck with the counselor search. If I can be of any help, please e-mail me. :)

  4. Silverfish are tiny little teardropy fish shaped things.

    Large bugs with lots of legs scare me.

    I once dropped a dixie cup over a huge spider in my bathroom and woke up my brother to kill it. When we got back to the bathroom, the cup had moved.

    Ok, I've got chills now.
