Thursday, March 2, 2006

You Like Me! You Really Like Me!

Okay, I have now found my TWENTY-TWO missing comments, and I thank all of you...

...Except Blogger. Because Blogger??? SUCKS.

Dear Blogger: I did NOT, at any time, for any reason, turn on freaking COMMENT MODERATION!!! So WHY exactly you felt it was necessary to tuck two weeks of comments off in the corner so I couldn't find them....

Bad. Very bad. ARGH.

If I knew how to deal with Wordpress, I'd move to my own domain in a minute. But I've played with WP a little bit, and it's WAAAAY complicated. Maybe if I'm feeling ambitious someday, but not at the moment....

Anyway...Thanks for the comments! Stoopid Blogger....


  1. Did you check out Alecya's blog? She put up a little post for you a few days ago!



  2. You are loved and GREATLY admired by so many more people than you know. Keep on keeping on, we are always with you.

  3. I'm still here too like a old sock.
