Thursday, January 18, 2007

Brief Updates

Since I'm in a consistent state of hibernation these days--cloudy Chicago mid-Januaries can do that to a girl, especially one who's prone to hibernation anyway--a few brief updates on everything...

--Mom: Out of hospital since Tuesday. Currently attempting to recover from the shock of finding that the medicine she was prescribed for the asthma she didn't know she had will now cost her upwards of $200 a month. Not thrilled with that, nor with the prognosis that she's going to just have to learn to deal with the cardiac arrythmia that sent her to the hospital in the first place--apparently she's a rotten candidate for any and all of the known treatments.

--Job: Qualified optimism. As you probably figured out from my "cross your appendages" post, I had an interview two weeks ago today, about which I promptly heard...nuffin'. For, like, EVER. As of yesterday, I was prepared to resign myself to the worst; I braced myself and called Place Where I Really, Really, Really Want To Work Because They Are Unreservedly Awesome, ready to hear "Oh, I'm sorry; that position is filled." Which was precisely what they did NOT tell me. What they DID tell me was "We have one more person we need to interview, and they cancelled last week so we're hoping to get to them this week, and in a week or so they should have their decision." The sigh of relief I let out at that news probably blew over irrigation towers in Kansas...You guys, I did SO AWESOME on this interview. I've been trying not to say anything about it because I don't want to jinx it, but that was possibly one of the best interviews of my life. I was set to meet with two people: the HR woman, and the person who would be my direct boss. SHE was so impressed that she took me to meet HER boss, and HE said I "presented myself very well." I mean, come on, who WOULDN'T be encouraged??? To say nothing of the job itself, which only sounds PERFECT for me. I'm gonna leave it at that, but please--if you've already crossed all your appendages, please start crossing the appendages of your relatives, friends, acquaintances and pets, would you please??

Everything Else: Either rolling along nicely, or completely irrelevant. But oh, man, am I broke.

(That was brief enough, wasn't it?)


  1. Glad to hear that your mom is out of the hospital.

    As for the job, I'm keeping my fingers double crossed for you.

  2. Still keeping my fingers crossed for ya - I hate the time between the interview and notification on whether you got the job.
