Monday, January 1, 2007

Further Proof That Time Flies

Today marks one year clean for me. It was last New Years' Eve that I decided to try, one more time, to quit heroin--which I'd been trying to quit for at least a few weeks before, and would have succeeded were it not for the ceaseless puking. In fact, that was the only reason I did any heroin on New Years' Eve last year in the first place--I was so sick I couldn't stand, sit, rest, think, or sleep without retching. It was not at all enjoyable, and I so wanted to be done with it, I promised myself that if I got out of it, I'd never go back. (That may sound like typical junkie's promises, but I don't believe I'd ever said "never again" any of the other times I'd quit--it was always more not for a long while...) I remember days and days of being really nervous after I quit, thinking Today might be the day I get sick... and being grateful each day that I didn't.

This blog helped. It got progressively harder, each time I'd screw up, to come here and admit my screwups. In some cases that would have meant I just would have stopped writing altogether, rather than face the discomfort of admitting what I'd done--but I couldn't do that either. Even if I was writing nothing else, I could always say Hey, at least I'm writing something, and sometimes that was consolation enough. I knew THAT was better for me than the heroin.

And so a year later, here I am: still writing, still clean, still waiting for my ship to come in--though just at the moment, I'd settle for a small dinghy.


  1. Wow. What an inspiration. Congratulations!

    Lots of love,

  2. Your amazing, keep it up, and congratulations.

  3. As a 33 year Cop, who worked narcotics enforcement for a lot of those years, I've seen firsthand what drug addiction does to people. With that in mind, you should be extremely proud of yourself. Staying clean for an entire year is something that took a great deal of courage, and I hope that you realize how much courage you have in you.

    I will say a prayer that you continue to stay clean and also that you recognize what courage you have inside of you.

  4. Congratulations! I'm glad you've kept writing the whole time, too.

  5. You've done a great job, Gladys!

  6. I remember worrying for you a year ago.
    Well done & a very happy new yaer to you Gladys.

  7. Congratulations Gladys!!! You are awesome!!! You are an inspiration. I admire your strength and courage so much. Wishing you continued success. Sorry, eyes are watering up again. Big purrs.
