Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day and Other Injustices

A sampling of wrongnesses, major and minor:

--I promised myself I wasn't going to get all NASCAR-ry anymore, if I could reasonably help it, but I will say this: I think the guys in the front office are overreacting here. I mean, even knowing as little as I do about aerodynamics and such, I question what possible advantage would be offered by a hole at the back of the engine compartment. But whatever--it sucks. Kasey is now starting the season with a score of -50 points; if he misses the Chase (or, heaven forbid, the championship) by less than fifty points, I'm gonna have a conniption.

--Speaking of conniptions, and cross-referenced with "things that suck": I have now been unemployed for 112 days.

--I don't know if I ever mentioned this, but Valentine's day? Can suck it. Seriously. And all the hype surrounding Valentine's Day can suck it twice. I do not need specially-themed episodes of all major and minor television shows. I do not need an entire aisle of every grocery store devoted to things Valentinian, which is not even counting the cards-and-tchotchkes aisle. I ESPECIALLY, for the love of God, do not need Valentine's Day marshmallow Peeps, which--aside from being pink, and heart-shaped, and WRONG, are also "strawberry-creme flavored". Make no mistake, my loyal friends; those who flavor marshmallows are indeed the minions of Satan. Peeps are not heart-shaped. Peeps are chick-shaped, though bunny-shaped is also a permissible style of Peep. Screwing with the fundamental nature of the Peep is not acceptable, and we as a society must stand up and draw the line SOMEWHERE.

And don't even get me STARTED about the shamrock-shaped St. Patrick's Day Peeps, which I know I have seen before even though they don't appear on the official Peeps page.

--Was it just me, or did the first "Hollywood Week" episode of American Idol cut almost EVERY SINGLE person they'd profiled in the first millon hours of audition episodes??

And now, the cherry on the Valentine's Day sundae of misery and badness:

--Guess who called today? And guess who called today and wants to move back the first weekend in March, because the cousin with whom he has been staying has now apparently pissed him off past the point of no return? So guess who this leaves with the task of telling him that really, I like my life better when he's not in it, and that Tim and I have our own little platonic microcosm which has been working quite well and which doesn't need the addition of a third person--especially not a messy, rude, unpleasant person who doesn't support himself, let alone the common good?


  1. Nothing says, "Happy Valentines Day" like "hey, I'm calling you only because I need a place to sleep!"

    And I agree wholeheartedly on the peeps. I'm even more of a purist, though, and even the bunny peeps kinda creep me out.

  2. Stick to your word, Woman, and don't let LJ move back in. It wouldn't hurt to change the locks, either. Just don't let him back in...for your own sanity.

  3. I'm with you on the peeps thing. Chicks yes. Bunnies acceptable.

    It's good to heard that the spare room wasn't spare anymore. Yes and get those locks changed.

    With your permission I'd like to be Teresa and drop the in LO. Keep warm and cuddle those kits!
