Thursday, May 10, 2007

This Too Shall Pass...At Least, I Hope So

Well, that was quick…Remember that “great” job?

I got fired from it today.

Apparently, though no one told me this, I was being held to some performance benchmarks which—again, though no one told me this—I was not meeting. Of course, I would have met these benchmarks, had I known what they were, or even that they existed (over and above a vague syllabus that was given to me on my first day, then never mentioned again). But I was never even given an indication that there was a problem; the most that was said was that I was a little behind where I needed to be, with no information given regarding what I should do to improve.

I’m….floored. Absolutely floored. If I went into detail about how this place operated, you would wonder how they could EVER let ANYONE go for ANYTHING; the guy who got hired a week ahead of me is blatantly playing computer games, and there are guys playing putt-putt golf in the office, but somehow I get fired??? Further, I was given almost no guidance at all. I was given the program and the documentation and told to “learn” it. Well, I tried. I fished for feedback, trying to find out what I should do to catch up. And when they told me they were letting me go, I even asked them if I could have one more week, to try to catch up—they said no. So obviously they had their minds made up. (I could, if I wanted to, make a point that somehow there’s only ONE other woman in the department other than the boss…I won’t make that point, because I’m trying not to see myself as a victim here. But let me tell you: it’s tempting. You’d be tempted too, I’ll bet, if you were me.)

I know I will be fine; I know I will find another job, that I am not unemployable, that I am *most likely* smarter than a 5th-grader. I KNOW these things, intellectually.

In my heart, though, I’ve gotta admit: I feel like crap. (I will resist the temptation to describe the qualities of the crap I feel like—I’m trying to steer myself away from the blatantly scatological, but I’ll tell you, this resisting-temptation stuff is hard, especially on a day like this!) I am now engaged in second-guessing each and every decision I made over the four weeks I was employed there, every comment that passed my lips (most especially the ones from that post), every action I took or did not take. And that feeling sucks. It sucks, it sucks, it sucks.

Tonight, I am drinking beer and watching the Bulls.
Tomorrow: back to the drawing board.


  1. I'm sorry Gladys, I'm also drinking a beer and watching the Bulls, and raising the bottle to toast your success. I know it will happen, good luck, and I'm thinking good thoughts about you.

  2. hey, chickadee. **HUGS** I dunno what kind of job it was, but if you want to swing by my little corner of the world, and leave a comment ... it'll ask for your email (it won't publish it), and then I'll have your email in my log, and I can email you, if you want.

    I has some silly cat pix and some commiserations about vague stupid unmentioned performance requirements...

    And some **HUGS**. Breathe deeply, and, I know it's hard, try to believe that office wasn't meant for you - they aren't worth the talents you bring them. :)


  3. Gladys, I'm so sorry to hear about this. I've SO enjoyed your comments at ICHC and have looked for them with each new submission to the site.

    Unfortunately, I sorta know how you feel. I was the only member of my department that was downsized several years ago. That was a position I worked my ass off to achieve. I had been with the company 15 years. And more recently, I was informed that my "postion was not aligned with the company's vision for the future" -- or something like that -- but this time, I'd somehow become too valuable (or have too much dirt on the upper levels) that a position was created for me.

    You're taking the most productive, constructive attitude about this mess. It will pass. You will move ahead. If this is representative of the organization's policies, you're better off outta there. But I will say that I feel there's something ugly going on in this place -- and I think that it's possible someone had it in for you because you're not one of the "boys." (One of your previous posts kinda clued my into a suspicion that you might have been surrounded by passive-aggressive dittoheads... Whatever. It's just that I hate to see good people get what the DON'T deserve, while the barely-able but ideologically-compatible succeed without reason.

    Be well.


  4. What a bunch of boneheaded morons. You are too intelligent for them anyway. Move on, girl. Keep your head up and give the kits more smoochies.

  5. Rats!

    Google the lyrics to Pete Morton's song "Another Train"

    "The beginning is now...."


  6. Above (almost) all the other things about some of my past jobs that has annoyed me: When people don't tell you what they want from you, and get pissed when you don't read their minds. You deserve better, and I know you'll find it sooner or later - hopefully sooner!
