Monday, March 24, 2008

Still Here

Just so everyone knows:

---I'm alive.
---I'm well. (I actually mean that. I've been chewing over a couple of revelations over the past week or so, and I don't know if it's spring, Lexapro, or what, but things are making a little more sense than they used to. I'll go into more detail later...)
---...except that I had my last wisdom tooth pulled today, emergency-style, because it sorta disintegrated Friday night, leaving a snaggly edge cutting my cheek and an exposed root which reacted poorly to such vicious stimuli as air, water, saliva, and possibly thought-waves. It HURT, is what I'm sayin'. I called the oral surgeon first thing this morning, drove up to Skokie, and I am now sans-tooth, with a cheek which looks like I'm collecting nuts and berries for a long winter. I'm chewing on gauze rolls and wet tea-bags to stop the bleeding. But it's the LAST ONE, and hopefully I won't need anything more pulled for a while. And it could have been SOOOOOOO much worse--I was afraid they were going to have to go to WAY more extensive measures to get it out, especially when the surgeon said my roots were "curvy" and thus liable to break. But it came right out, curvy roots and all, with no kind of heavy equipment required. I think I have a dental angel sitting on my shoulder.

There are other developments. I'll write more about them later, but they're good ones, mostly. I think they are, anyhow.

Mostly, though, I just wanted to say--still here.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about the dental pain. I'm torn over which is worse, tooth pain or back pain. Both suck pretty hard. I'm glad your dental angel saved you, and that you'll soon be pain free.

  2. I'm glad you're still here too. I check daily to try and keep up with you. Thank You for answering my email, I really appreciate that. TAte

  3. Where are you, Gladys? I keep checking back here, but you haven't posted in weeks. Is everything okay?
