Saturday, March 1, 2008


You know what I REALLY, really hate?

Stomach flu.

And the worst is when it attacks in a work environment. How DOES one handle, for example, the knowledge that one is not only responsible for the wicked stench in the ladies' room (one no "courtesy flush" can alleviate), but also for the ten-minute parade of methane-based sound effects? Other than hiding out in the stall til everyone is gone, then shamefacedly sneaking away hoping no one is on stakeout outside the door, what do you DO in a situation like that?? The Walk of Restroom Shame??

I feel like crap. Which is, perhaps, appropriate, since that has been my primary activity for going on twelve hours now.



  1. Well, look at the bright side, a good cleansing never hurt anyone. Feel better soon.
