Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Morning In The Hood

Walking to the bus this morning I passed an old man on the other side of the street, walking in the opposite direction. He was maybe 70 or so, carrying a big black plastic trash bag for picking up bottles and cans.

Verbatim, a transcript of our conversation, shouted across the street:

Him: "You happen to have a quarter, a dime, a nickel, or a penny?"

Me: "No, I'm sorry, I don't." (Not true. But it's three days before payday and those are my LUNCH quarters, dammit.)

Him: "You got a beautiful body..."

Me (blushing): "Thank you!" (Though it did occur to me to think how could he even TELL in this outfit? Baggy, my friends. Baggy.)

Him: "Wanna smoke a rock?"

Me: "Um, no thanks...."

And off he went for more bottles and cans, and off I went to work. Without, might I add, having smoked a rock--although that might have mitigated somewhat my dread of this day, which promises to be the bitchiest bitch that ever bitched.


  1. Ah, a glimpse into my future.

    I hope that today turns out to be less of a bitch than you fear.

  2. dont they say... a rock a day keeps the doctor away? ha!


  3. Hey, no one in the hood ever offered to smoke a rock with me. Of course, they usually think I'm a cop and avoid me. Maybe I need to wear baggy clothes.

    I do get hit up for change occassionally.

  4. brings back the days of being mistaken for a prostitute. What a lovely way to start the day.

    I hope your day turned out okay.
