Saturday, April 9, 2005

New Blogs

In an effort to expand my horizons, I decided to do some "Next Blog" touring. (Normally I only do this to generate snark material, but I'm not feeling snarky this afternoon.)

And so I have added:
Annals of Mr. Hyde, one of Flash's commentors whose blog I found yesterday;
Connecticut Blog, whose politics I agree with;
Corrente, more radical than me;
Going to Pieces, written by a fellow quilter;
I'm An Intern In New York, which nearly made me pee myself;
Mr. Mystic, which is just interesting;
The Place Where We Live, another Chicago blog (who links to me!); and
What's New With You?, another blog that made me giggle.

I also added long-time commenters hooiz and spinsterwitch.

That oughtta keep you all busy for a while...


  1. any chance putting mine on the list???

  2. I thank you for your comment, witch did not go unnoticed by many. I love your blog.

  3. Thanks for adding me to your, by the way, do you set up such a list? I'm going to try to figure it out on my own, but would appreciate any input from someone who's got it going already.

  4. Mr. M--Thanks! And welcome....

    spinsterwitch--I have a free account at Blogrolling ( create an account, paste a little blurb into your template, and then go to their site and add links which then show up in a list in your sidebar. I'm too cheap to pay for the real one, but the free one seems to work pretty well.....
