Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Random Stuff I've Realized

First, to my thoughtful commentors (and those of you who read it but couldn't come up with anything to say, too--it's the thought that counts): Thank you. I'm getting a wee bit impatient with this medication deal; as far as I can see, in the four-odd months I've been on it, it has done precisely Jack Q. Squat. (Other than give me nightmares that keep me from getting a decent night's sleep for 9 out of every 10 days, and causing me random muscle-twitches that make me feel slightly freakish, that is.) It certainly hasn't done much for the depression; fortunately, Dr. J has been informed of this fact and is working on it. We shall see.

Other things I've realized:

1) Farts are funny sometimes. (More precisely, the concept is funny. The actuality is just stinky and uncalled-for, and have I mentioned what a joy it's been to have LJ out of town for the past two weeks? Many, many fewer farts in my world.)

2) I really, really don't like Gene Simmons. He's just such an asshat.

3) (File under "Really Doesn't Paint A Flattering Picture of Me as a Person") I would be much more able to tolerate all the things about LJ that make me want to break up with him, if only he would bring some money into this house. Seriously. I'm behind on almost every single solitary bill, and he is the main reason why. And the truck is about to break down. And by "about to" I mean "actively in the process of", as in "when I get up tomorrow it's about a 70-30 chance that I'm gonna have to call my mom for an emergency ride to work." If LJ would just drop a couple of thousand dollars on me, it would quell a lot of my wish for him to begone. And that's totally not like me...I'm just that broke.

4) Kittens should not get big. I mean, they -should-, but MY kitten should not get big. Even if he does it lovably, which he so is--and I'm including in that "lovable" his charming and adorable new habit of climbing the straw shades in the living room windows and hanging eight-and-a-half feet up, at the tippyest top, upside down like a small gray bat. For which I have threatened on at least three occasions to feed him to the dog next door, which has had exactly zero effect in modifying his behaviour. I'm trying to get a picture, actually, because it's quite amazing to see. But he's just getting so....LONG. And so...CAT-like. Also bitey, because he's teething.

5) (after watching, this evening, the "Little House on the Prairie" episode where there's a fire in the school and the baby and Merlin Olsen's wife die) Did no one in Walnut Grove know ANYTHING? I mean, we all know Carrie Ingalls wasn't the brightest bulb on the tree, but I always thought the -rest- of the town had pretty decent sense, at least. But this episode makes them look like a pack of blithering idiots. They miss basic concepts--like, when you see fire in a room, one of the best things to do is to close the door to that room so it doesn't spread as fast? Or, if you're sitting in a room with your baby and someone tells you the house is on fire, that it might just be prudent to grab the baby and take him WITH you while you do whatever rescuing/escaping you have to do? I remember watching that episode when it premiered, back when I was ten, and being really moved and stunned by it; now, I find myself yelling at the screen "Shut the door, you nitwit!! Um, excuse me, aren't you forgetting a BABY???"

5) Sometimes the people who seem to have their shit together the most can do the DUMBEST things. I spent the better part of this afternoon draining spyware and adware and all sorts of yuck off the laptop of one of the people I really respect in my office, because he saw one of those things that pops up and says "Warning! Your computer may have dangerous spyware! Click here for information"--and he CLICKED. Everyone? If you see that? DON'T CLICK. EVER. NEVER NEVER EVER. In fact, if it gives you a yes/no option, don't even click "no" or "cancel" or anything inside the box itself. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the window and thank whatever deity you believe in that you knew enough to do so. From that one click, he had at least 219 instances of spyware, and his antivirus program was disabled. I'm not even done fixing it yet.

So, in case you're keeping score of today's lessons: Farts=funny; Gene Simmons=not funny; kittens should stay small and right-side up, always take the baby with you, and don't click. I hope this wisdom helps you on the road of your life, because it hasn't done a damn bit of good for me. :)


  1. Dr. J should be trying a new medication with you, if yours isn't working.

    It can sometimes take several tries before finding the right one that works for you (which sucks turkey butt, in my opinion, but there it is). I'm sending you lot's of patience vibes.

    I just got done watching the first several episodes of Young Riders and I had to go in and cancel the rest of the DVDs on Netflix. The show that I so loved as a young'un is complete and utter pap! Blah!

  2. I, for one, LOVED my medication, because it made me not care about anything...but you can't go through life like that, y'know? Sometimes you have to feel your feelings. Goddamnit.

    1) Yes, they are, thank you :) I plan on having more farts over soon.

    2) I actually think the bigger the better when it comes to cats, but Beady's head is so small and he's so funny and long-legged, I wouldn't mind if he stayed the same. And his balls are getting so BIG...'k, I could do without the balls. The bat trick = neato, just hope he doesn't also enjoy plummeting...ah, wicker. I think it was MADE for cats to climb.

    3) Thank you - I, too, am now in "a foul Simmons-related temper". I think he is the ugliest man in the world, and Shannon or Sharon or whatever that dingbat's name is is an IDIOT for having unprotected sex with an admitted cheater. And I feel really sorry for his future offspring, especially girls will need a ton of plastic surgery. And then they'll STILL look like Ashlee Simpson. Horrors.

    4) I've met Nellie. Neener.

    5) I no click! :)

    I did, however, accidentally fill out a postcard which contained my blog address and sent it to people I didn't want to know about it...D'OH!

    Now, where did I leave that baby...
