Tuesday, August 1, 2006

The Passion of the Dumbass

I was never a Mel Gibson fan. Nor--as you might well imagine!--have I ever been a fan of Focus on the Family, a neocon "think"-tank.

And here is an excerpt that lets me have the fun of hating them both, at the same time.

So in other words: You can still be a Christian if you slam the Jews, if you call them Christ-killers, if you accuse them of starting every war, if you deny the Holocaust. But if you get drunk? You're RIGHT out of the clubhouse, buddy-boy.

Hypocrites make my brain hurt.


  1. Sadly, the Gospels (especially John) are rather finger-pointy about who they say killed Jesus. John is a particularly us v. them set-up, regularly identifying "the Jews" when Jesus and his boys were Jewish as well.

    In other words, it is a fine Christian tradition to be anti-Semitic. Most people are just more openminded than in the past. (Apparently neither of the Gibson's got the "love your neighbor" memo.)

  2. ...excuse me, I've got some Jesus in my teeth.

  3. I missed reading your blogs while I was on vacation. I'm catching up right now!

  4. Check this out as far as Mel is concerned

    I also posted it today as well, a editoral by Dave Mamet. It's always nice to see you back
