Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Dear Human Resources Professional

Dear (in)Human(e) Resources (air quotes) Professional:

Just for your edification, it's called the "Americans With Disabilities Act".
Not the "Americans With Disabilities That Don't Interrupt Their Workday" Act, or the "Americans With Disabilities, As Long As Nobody Can See Them And They Seem To Be Productive" Act. Or the "Americans Who Aren't Sleepy Because Of Their Disabilities" Act.

Last time I checked, the ADA was meant to protect the EMPLOYEE, not to assure the convenience of the employer. Maybe that's just my old-fashioned social-welfare radical left-winger interpretation of it, though. Maybe they actually wrote this act to morally absolve them from responsibility in case they needed to fire someone for a condition they have no control over.

Oh, and by the way? Not everyone comes from a two-income household. Not everyone can afford to take "a leave of absence" for medical reasons. Maybe YOU do; maybe YOU can. Maybe YOU have a happy little hubby who pays your way so that it's OKAY that you only work three days a week. Apparently so--I haven't seen you here on a Monday or a Friday in....oh, EVER. (Those five-day weekends must be nice, though they do nothing for your personality.) Not all of us can do that, and some of us sorta resent the suggestion. Particularly when I've just told you that I've made an appointment within the next two weeks to find out what's happening, it's not really reassuring to hear "Until you know what's happening, the same standards of workplace performance still apply." Translation: That Last and Final Warning still holds. Beg all you want; it won't help.

If I -do- take your ever-so-kind advice and take a leave of absence? You can bet your three-day-a-week-workin', suburban-livin' ASS that I'll be using that time to find a new job. Whereupon I will tell YOU to cram YOUR job--with all its needless stress, misinterpretations of employment law, and general lack of compassion--up that selfsame three-day-a-week-workin', suburban-livin' orifice.

In closing, I hope you never find yourself in this situation. Oh, wait--strike that. I hope you DO find yourself in this situation, so you can see exactly how it feels and maybe learn a little bit about empathy. Not that I think it will work, but...Anyway.


P.S. Bite me, biaaaatch.


  1. What a fuckwit!

    Hang in there, woman.

  2. I left a certain "not-for-profit" (WHAT A JOKE) corporation who recently bought its new office in Des Plaines because they could not even accomodate a 15min window for my arrival time due to insomnia.

    if you look at these places financial statements, they spend so much on travel so the big shots of the office can go on a "strategic planning" trip, when it's really a vacation for them.

    and the CEO of any not-for-profit can pay himself any amount of salary he wanted. So while I was earning a measly entry-level salary, these people were taking home millions instead of reinvesting the money into their "cause."

    I hope you find a better job at a not so corrupt company, where a human resources person actually knows what they're doing. Instead of looking for "pretty" resumes that "stand out" and "experience" (no matter how crappy it is) instead of evaluating someone's skills and capacity to perform the job with the information given.

    ugh, that whole profession has become a joke!!!
