Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I have been stopped in my tracks by a peeve.

Now, I know I'm normally a reasonably-peevish person anyhow, so this isn't necessarily a shock to anyone, but it's rare that a peeve moves me so strongly that I feel I must stop what I'm doing--in this case, viewing the online versions of our city's two newspapers--to vent this peevishness.

Note to everybody who designs websites where current-event or human-interest stories are displayed:

The next person who publishes, on a newspaper online site, a story which consists SOLELY of video, without a corresponding print element, will be mercilessly beaten.

Bottom line, if you're going to put a story on a largely text-based site, even if you DO offer a video, you need to offer a text-based version of the same item!! Nobody says "I'm going to go WATCH the newspaper online." They READ the newspaper online, and in this morning's Sun-Times there are fully THREE major stories which are represented only through video elements--all three of which I wanted to read. Not "watch"--READ.

And yes, I understand about "new media" and the blending of text and visual elements, and all that hooey that professionals like to talk to justify their refusal to do something common-sensical. There are people who like video--give them their video, by all means, but do NOT deprive us text-heads of the ability to read a story, which is exactly what is accomplished by making it video-only. And stop sneaking in video links where text links are expected, as well. I don't care if there's a little video-camera icon next to it denoting "this is a video"; I am tired of clicking something and having it burst into sound and fury. (Don't even get me started on the auto-play imbedded video where the sound defaults to ON., I am looking directly at you. The next time I have to frantically claw for the MUTE button because I've forgotten about that little screen in the middle of your site and am therefore regaling my coworkers with that VROOOOM! VROOOOOOM! VVVEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrRRRRRR sound, I will become extremely angry. And you wouldn't like me when I'm angry.)

There. I'm done being peevish now, and so now I will go back to work. (I WOULD like to know, though, how it's only 1:30 in the afternoon and I've been at this desk FOREVER. That seems unfair, somehow.)


  1. I wouldn't mind video so much if the damned things didn't have to "buffer" before playing. It means that the video starts and stops like a crazed meter-maid. I end up having to watch the damned thing twice to understand what happens with it.

  2. Thank you so much for saying that. I have been bitching up a storm about These stories that are video only really frost my ass. (I got to say frost my ass. He He)

  3. But didn't you know? People don't read anymore. Really. It takes too much effort. I know; I'm an English teacher. I honestly think that my students, along with 90% of the adult population in America, would rather have a tube implanted at the base of their skulls that would allow them to instantly know everything than take the time to read and gain knowledge for themselves. (Actually, that last part, while true, is a paranoid delusion fostered by a great BOOK--you know, one I just READ--about a future in which people really do stop reading because they've all got microchips in their heads.)

    Sorry. Nasty day, and it's a good topic to bitch about.
