Saturday, April 14, 2007

Repeats: I Love My Cats, I Love My Cats, I Love My...

I just returned from a very brief trip to another room, to catch Snickers in the act of bread-licking.

Having come back from grocery-shopping with a fresh loaf of Italian bread from Jewel--crusty and crumbly on the outside, but squishy and white on the inside, perfect for bread-and-butter--I availed myself of a couple of slices. The first slice was safely consumed when I realized that something in the next room required my attention for a moment. Snickers was occupied in his usual pursuits--terrorizing Badcat and staring fixedly on a certain spot on the wall and meowing--so I thought it would be safe, just for that moment, to leave the room and the bread (unbuttered, I might add) unattended.

I returned to find Snick standing on the computer table, ignoring the half-stick of real butter that was sitting next to him, but systematically licking the bread slice. There were nibbles missing, and the top third of the slice was warm and damp with cat-spit. Now, although I can tolerate many things in the name of my kits, wet bread is not now, nor ever shall be, on that list. Wet bread is just gross, unless it's wet with egg and milk and then fried til it's nice and brown, then doused with butter, syrup, and a smidge of cinnamon. And then it's not "wet bread" anymore; it's French toast--you can call it "freedom toast", if you're a wingnut whackjob O'Reilly worshipper, but even if you do insist on calling it so, I will just as stridently insist that, no matter what you call it, if you called it "wet bread" nobody would eat it, especially if there was any intimation that cat-spit had been involved.

Needless to say, I sliced off the soggy part; even though Snickers waited for his portions, I quietly explained to him that HELL no, I wasn't rewarding him for drooling on my lunch.. Instead I threw away the soggy part, and buttered and ate the rest.

(What?? I was hungry.)

The moral of this story is:

if you ever find yourself eating bread in my house, you might want to hold onto it at any cost.


  1. It is so much fun to learn what cats will eat. Mine likes toilet paper, kleenex, wrapping paper, really, any kind of paper at all. And she also enjoys licking the gummy part of envelopes. She had the gall to walk up to me on my chest while I was reading a book and bite into the corner while I was reading.
    Now, if I leave any food out, she wont touch it, nor will she eat cat treats.
    Cats are very odd.

  2. Watch out, they also like whatever chemical* is using in photo-processing, and will ruin your prints (if anyone does that anymore).

    *I think it's gelatin by-product.
