Friday, April 27, 2007


In almost-total silence for the first time in what feels like MONTHS, I am sitting before my computer with absolutely nothing to say.

I'm here; the cats are fine* ; Tim and LJ are fine**; the job is going reasonably well.

Small annoyances include bad brakes; Metra trains; bills; lack of sleep; lack of time; my effing CPAP machine which insists on dousing me with cold condensation-water three times a night, directly up my nose; that co-worker; and the usual round of boring crap that everyone bitches about.

In other words, I'm totally blessed.***

Maybe I'll have something to say tomorrow. Meanwhile, I am out of socks, and must do laundry.

*Yeah, you'd be fine too if you never had to work, slept all day, and ignored everyone whenever you liked, and yet despite all this someone just bought you a $50 drinking fountain and was going to make all your meals from scratch from now on, because she was afraid to have you eat purchased food.

**Yeah, you'd ALSO be fine too if you worked sporadically (TIm) or not at all (LJ) and somehow you were nonetheless provided with food, shelter, laundry facilities, cigarettes (Tim), and an on-call taxi service.

***I would, however, like to know where I can sign up to be either a) a cat, or b) my own roommate.

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