Monday, July 16, 2007

First Day

Having survived last night's cataclysmic panic (okay, not really, but I sure as hell didn't sleep well) I embarked upon my first day at my new job.

I love it. If I screw this job up in any way whatsoever, I hope one of you will track me down and shoot me. Because....seriously. Awesome job, awesome place, clear expectations, light work, lotsa money, outstanding benefits, and what has to be the most perfect schedule I've ever worked (with the possible exception of when I was in college and worked midnights at a factory one summer. And that was temp work!) NICE people, too--what amazes me most, though, is that every single person in authority has made it super-clear: THIS is what is expected of you. After that last place, a simple statement of expectations is something so wonderful that it feels like it should come with a bow wrapped around it. Just...Did I say "awesome"? I did? Hm. I'm gonna need some new adjectives here.

AND--just for extra happiness--the commute, while it's long, is in no way complex--and there are about eight different ways I could do it. I would dearly love to be driving, but that...Well, that's another story, let's just say; LJ took the truck to his cousin's, out of state, on the understanding that while he was back in town he'd buy me a (crappy, old, beater) car. (How, exactly, this would be financed...well, we can file that under "mysteries of LJ's business" and go happily on with the tale.) Anyway, about two days into his stay, he got a call from his cousin...apparently a door had been left unlocked, and some of his vegetable products had been removed from the premises, and blah, blah blah, blahdy blah blah gotta go back to wherever he came from, to deal with the problem. He promised to be back within 2 weeks or so, by which time the money for the car should be available...At this point, I don't much care; as long as I can get to work, my problems are minimal at best. Driving would save me a little time--but not all that much, really; I couldn't drive to where I work, because parking is allegedly horrid and not to be thought of for anyone who arrives after 7 AM--but I could drive partway and take the bus, if I felt so inclined. We'll see what happens when I have a car.

I am really, really happy. I can tell I'm going to be quite comfortable in my new place; the work is all stuff I know, or almost-know; there's room to learn, but it's not totally over my head. I can see myself staying here for a long, long time....

...providing that I can make it til October 16, the end of my ninety-day probationary period. I was never been scared of a probationary period until I lost that last gig, and it makes me really nervous to think about it now. Not that I plan on messing up, but...once burned, and all that.

All the same--I love it. I'm absolutely thrilled. I plan to kick MUCH butt.

And to all of you--thanks so much for all your words of encouragement!


  1. Happy. Happy. Happy. Is how you sound. All the best to you. You'll fit right in ad do just fine. I'm am so very happy for you. Give the kits an extra smoochie for me.

  2. Go You! I'm sure you'll do great. I'm so happy for you. Good vibes going out to you.

  3. AND you get to keep your house! Your future looks so promising! Congrats!
