Thursday, July 19, 2007

More Confessions

I know some of you will recoil in horror from what I am about to say. Possum-burning is nothing to the piece of heresy I am about to spout, and for this I apologize, but I cannot help it. And especially now, it would probably be more acceptable to advocate genocide than to admit to the following; but I have always prided myself on my honesty in this blog, and so :::bracing myself::: we go.

I am not even the least bit interested in Harry Potter.

There. I've said it. Do what you will. I don't care about the books, I don't care about the movies, and the only feeling I have for J.K. Rowling is unspeakable envy, because I will never be as famous or wealthy as she is. I don't know any details about Muggles or Quidditch or who these characters are; I've heard the names but I don't know their relationships to the story or to one another and I pretty much do. not. care. Like, at all.

My friends, of course, are a different story. Debbi and Cowgirl are avid fans; I've sat through dinner conversations which have made about as much sense to me as nuclear physics, except maybe less. They're my friends. You make allowances.

But I cannot turn on the television, cannot spread open a newspaper section, cannot even listen to the radio or stand in line at the grocery, without being bombarded by things Potter. And it's not that I think children's books are beneath me--this is Cartoon Girl you're talking to! It's more my insane loathing of anything about which there is the stench of the bandwagon. (In case you're wondering? It smells like patchouli.) I will be glad--very glad--when everyone has read this book, seen the movie, and stopped talking/writing/agonizing about the whole phenomenon, because it bores me. I want it to go away and be quiet, or at least I want to avoid it. It bores me the way NASCAR bores most people.

The only benefit--the ONLY benefit--which accrues to me from Pottermania: people have, even for a moment, stopped talking about Paris Hilton. No matter what causes it, that's always a positive thing.


  1. All I can say to this post is.....


  2. Me too! :) So, we are out there after all...

  3. I'm one of those marginal people. I enjoy the books, but really don't want to buy them to read them. So I'm always waiting to read someone else's copy...then, in the case of the last, I just never got around to it.
