Sunday, February 20, 2005

Did I Mention Today Was The Daytona 500?

If anyone had to win that race that was NOT Kasey Kahne or Jimmie Johnson, I'm glad it was Jeff Gordon. I'm willing to give Tony Stewart a clean slate for this year--this incident notwithstanding--but he'll never be my favorite--and I would rather have ANYONE win it than Dale-freakin'-Junior. Every second commercial through that WHOLE race had his smug little mug all over it. Blech. Jimmie and Jeff are sorta interchangeable, really--but I like them both better than any of the other options.

(Sucks to be Harvick, though. :::Nelson-Muntz laugh::::)

February 20th is also a significant day in my life for a lot of non-NASCAR reasons.

In chronological order of occurrence, Feb. 20 is:

1.Kurt Cobain's birthday
2.Darius's birthday (the guy who introduced me to JP, among his other distinctions)
3.Eighteenth anniversary of the day I lost my virginity
4.Second anniversary with LJ (It seems a lot longer, somehow.)

Yeah, I know. You're waiting for me to take that virginity story someplace, aren't you. Ain't gonna happen. You may have noticed--I don't write about sex. At least, not when it's related to me. Just can't do it. Firefly finds it hilarious that I stop in mid-conversation and declare whatever she's just confided as "TMI". "My girlfriends here talk in WAAAAAAAY more detail than THAT," she tells me.

I'm not a prude--far from it, even though Stella claims that she can make me blush just by mentioning the existence of men. I would think this was part of the emotional toll of JP's death--except my reticence existed long before JP came into my life.

I don't talk about sex for the same reason I don't talk about spirituality, literature, or music--because I've grown tired of people using their disclosures on these topics to gain some perverse form of street credibility. I'm of the opinion that some things should be private...

...which is pretty funny, when you consider that I'm expressing that opinion on a weblog, which contains all sorts of juicy little tidbits about my life, and which is accessible to anyone who has a computer.


  1. amen on the dale-freakin' jr bit. it's somebody else's turn :)

  2. I reveal more in my blog than I do to most people that are close to me. I'm a private person who spills his guts to the cyber world. It is quite the contradiction eh?

  3. poopie--I was so irked by seeing Junior on the TV Guide cover...And of COURSE there was no cover for Kasey! dammit...

    Brian...weird, ain't it? I live in mild fear of this blog being discovered by anyone who knows me--but at that point, oh well. Not gonna stop me, though...
