Monday, December 4, 2006

Freedom, Day 5

Because one of you asked and I'd bet more than one of you are wondering:

Of COURSE the truck's not back yet. Did you think I was dealing with a mature adult who was capable of following through on a commitment? is to laugh.

The best part? Even though it wasn't true, I told him specifically, three days ago, that I had an interview today, so I would need the truck back by this morning at the latest. (I am not normally big into lying, but I knew I had to give him SOME sort of concrete deadline backed up with something more than "I'd like to have it back", or I wouldn't see that truck for WEEKS.) He agreed, and promised that if anything came up, I'd know by Saturday night. Late last night--SUNDAY night, at 9 or 10 PM--he calls and tells me that his friend is bringing the truck back either "Monday night or maybe Tuesday." As far as he knows, I had an interview Monday afternoon. According to him, nobody had enough money for gas to get the truck back to Chicago til today. Yeaaah....rrriiiiiiiiiiight. Whatever, sure, yeah, don't care, buh-bye now. Jerk.

Even though I didn't have an interview, I DID have to get up this morning for my weekly trip to the methadone clinic. And since I had no truck, I had to take the bus. It's not far, mind you, but...Have any of you seen the Chicago weather reports over the last couple of days? We didn't get the foot of snow they predicted, but we got a good four to six inches, with a nice hard underlayment of pure sheet ice. And after the snow? It got cold. I mean, COLD cold. The kind of cold where you put on the big warm fleece hat even though you're fully aware that it makes you look like a total idiot, because the aftereffects of NOT wearing the big warm fleece hat would involve microwaving your head for six minutes on 40% power in an effort to defrost your ears. The kind of cold where, in order to keep the collar of your jacket zipped up over as much of your face as possible as you wait for your bus, you hunch up your shoulders as high as possible and end up with a tension headache afterwards. (Actually it wouldn't have been so bad, without the wind--and I'll freely admit that the city as a whole was totally spoiled throughout November, so this probably wasn't even that bad of a cold snap--it just SEEMED bad in contrast to our 67-degree Thanksgiving.) It was the kind of cold, in short, that makes people wish they didn't have to wait for the bus, that makes them stand at the bus stop thinking "Maybe I ought to get myself a car, you know?" Except in my case, I was standing at the bus stop thinking, "Oh, wait--I ALREADY have a car...(unprintable) triflin' (curseword) of a (swear) (profanity) (expletive)...and it's (unprintable) COLD!!!!!!"

UPDATE: As I wrote the last sentence, the phone rang.

Guess which newly-single blogstress now isn't getting her truck back til "Wednesday night, at the latest" because guess-who-else lost his cash card and some other person didn't have any money and a DIFFERENT party couldn't convince his wife to hand over $100? (Smart wife. Wish I'd been as smart.)

Did I mention "jerk, jerk, jerk, jerk, JERK!!!!!"? I didn't?? Please consider it mentioned, then.

I am SO glad he's GONE!!!!

(Incidentally, some comments from my last post's comments section: Ka, we missed you! Firefly--no breakup convo yet, but it's coming! Spins, thanks for being one of my best commentors, and you too, Misery...and to Teresa, welcome!!! (Teresa's from The Daily Kitten, which is a website totally devoted to pictures of adorable kittycats. Tim refers to it as "kitty porn" and that's not entirely a bad summary--everytime I visit the site, I want more kitties!!) In a day or two, I'm gonna post a new pic of Snickers....he's outgrown the "kitten" designation but oh, man, we just got a PRICELESS shot of him--caught in the act of being really, really bad.)


  1. Actually Gladys, if you go a little northwest from the city, it was a little over a foot. IT SUCKS. I can't go from 60 to 13 degrees, as well as a foot of snow, in three days, it's just not right.

  2. Once you get your truck back, you'll officially be LJ-free. That guy's trouble.

  3. Woah!
    I take a month out & it all kicks off!
    I read back over a few posts to see what's happened & here's the thing; Despite the nature of the stuff that's been going on, your tone & demeanour sound positivly chipper!
    Which has got to be a good thing, right?

  4. Am SO glad this guy can't make you uncomfortable any more-! What a fuckin' tool.

    Can't wait to see that shot of naughty Snick!

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