Saturday, June 16, 2007


The dust has settled; the incinerated possum, which I made a point of NOT looking at, was removed by Streets and San yesterday afternoon while Tim and I drove Nicolette back home. I'm not scared anymore; everyone I've talked to in the neighborhood seems to think there was no way it was actually directed at us. Junior, from next door, even says he knows who it was, or at least that's what his father told me. I would love to know what goes through someone's mind that would cause them to set a live animal on fire, you know? That's sick, sick, sick.

But I've calmed down, anyhow. Even Tim admitted that he was drunk and overreacting through the whole thing, which: duh. I did give him some advice regarding the people he hangs out with, though, because a big piece of the mayhem was set off the night before, when one of his friends not only took Tim into a neighborhood he didn't want to go into--even against his protests--but then that same friend ALSO hit on Nicolette. This is AFTER a DIFFERENT "friend" of Tim's, who was with him at Nicolette's apartment after the three of them were out one night, stole her phone while no one was looking. Tim found out later and gave him hell for it, so the "friend" apologized and gave the phone back...and it was only a couple days later that Nicki found the picture files were now full of amateur-porn pictures of the thief. Nicki and Tim had only known each other for about two weeks at that point, so it's to her credit that she didn't just say "screw THIS, I'm outta here". I like her a lot, actually; she's funny and down-to-earth, and Tim seems to be happy with her. And she's really considerate, too: I'd known her less than a week when she called me three times on my birthday, leaving messages until she managed to get a hold of me in person. I thought that was really cool. I think she's a good person for Tim to have in his life; I expressed my opinion of the OTHERS, however, when we stopped for dinner last night. "Can I offer a word of advice?" I asked him. His "yeah" was begrudging; I think he thought I was gonna give him hell after the previous 24 hours of drunken craziness, but I went ahead anyway. "It occurs to me," I told him, "that if you were to get all of the aggravating people out of your life, you'd be much, MUCH happier."

That wasn't what he had expected to hear, it was obvious. He thought about it for a minute and then said "You're right about that!" So maybe I've given him something to think about, I don't know. At any rate, I'm not mad at him; even if I was, I don't think I could possibly be as mad at him as he probably is at himself.

Of course, it's very difficult to hold onto ANY emotion when you're quietly steaming in your skin like a microwaved baked is hot, hot, HOT here in Chicago, and tomorrow's going to be just as bad. I've been putting off installing the air-conditioner in my window; I've got one of those double fans there now, and I don't want to lose the ability to sleep with the window open--but a couple more days of this ninety-degree stuff, and I'm going to change my mind. Yesterday, after the first of two interviews, I actually had to come home to hang up my outfit so I could let my shirt dry before interview #2.

Re: the interviews: both of them went pretty well, especially the first one, which unbeknownst to me was effectively a SECOND interview for a job I'd applied for back in March or so. It's not exactly the same position, but it's very very similar, and apparently they liked me enough on my first trip through that they thought of me when this new spot opened up. So I'm optimistic on that one. The second one I'm not so sure about; it's in a school, and it seems like I'd be working a little bit with kids as well as teachers. I don't mind that--in fact, I sorta like it--but that's 100% contingent on how much responsibility I'd be expected to take for disciplinary matters. If I'm just going to be trying to keep order in a madhouse, forGET it. I wasn't completely clear on the scope of the job even after the interview, but since it was only a first round, I'm not worried.

Actually, I'm not worried at all. Whatever happens in the job situation is going to decide what happens with the house; what happens with the house is going to decide my future living situation; and my future living situation is going to influence my search for a job. It's all going to work out; the best thing I can do is just keep doing what I've been doing.

And now that we've got that settled: What happened to all my commentors??? I know I've been lax with the postings, but even when I post about burning possums, I gots no comments, peepulz!!! Are you all on vacation???

(Yes, I know: I am a pathetic blog-hoochie, begging for validation in the form of comments from my readers. Fine; so be it. Love me, please!! Everybody love meeee!!!)


  1. I'd like to have that person's name, because somewhere back in my stepmom's mob ties, I'd very much like to find a way of setting that person on fire...I don't even care if it was a cat or a possum, they need not to be alive right now.

  2. Wow, those were quite the blog posts there. I had to read them in two installments. What craziness too!! People are freakin nuts (animal haters). ick!!

    Glad to hear you are being positive about all of is though, just letting life work out the kinks.

  3. Gladys, I hate to admit it, but I had to kill a possum that got stuck on top of a ladder in my garage, but I don't know why someone would enjoy lighting an animal on fire. Good luck on the interviews, and I hope that there is good news in your future.

  4. See, I can see having to KILL an animal--esp a wild animal like a possum. It would definitely not be my most favorite thing to have to do, and I would certainly much rather turn it over to someone who could do it humanely, but I can see the situation where unwanted wildlife could need to be gotten rid of. (When I was little, a squirrel came in through the chimney at my grandparents' house while they were out; when they came home, the squirrel freaked and knocked over my grandma, who broke her hip in the melee. So I can see the drawbacks of wildlife.)

    What I totally DON'T understand, though, is: a) Why would you get near enough to a wild animal to get it bitey in the first place?? And b) why, if it DID try to bite you, wouldn't you just...I dunno, throw a beer-can at it and watch it run like hell? Why pursue it, and then set it on fire??? Animals in pain are WAY more likely to be vicious...People ain't too bright, are they.

  5. I'm glad things have settles down at your place. The possum burning is very disturbing. I would still be freaked.
    Good to hear Tim met a nice girl. He certainly does need a new group of friends. Maybe Nicki is a start.
    Hope you get the job you want and it turns out to be better than you thought it would be.
    Stay positve. Things will be fine. It's the waiting that is the hard part.
    Please give the kits a smoochie for me.

  6. Possums are nasty creatures, although none of them deserve to be set on fire. I think that's just sick and wrong.
    Good luck with the interviews! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. As teresa says, stay positive, everything works out in the end.

  7. I read your blog regularly although I've never posted a comment. I'm sure there are many others like myself who have been moved, laughed and just basically are interested in your writings. As a married working mom of twin girls, who barely has time to shower each day, I always manage the time to see how Gladys' life is going. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  8. I'm glad it wasn't a cat, but no animal should be burned to death. People are mean sometimes.

  9. Hi,
    Well, since you r expecting a comment, here goes. I came across your blog months back while looking for blogs from Chicagoans. I rather miss my hometown sometimes and whaddya know I found yours. You helped me cope with some of the things my younger son was going thru with the dope and I thank you!
    And besides you have cats! So once in awhile I wander through to see how you are doing. Interesting how perfect strangers can think of someone and wish them well. I do you.
    I am not the writer you are so won't bore you with more other than good luck, I admire your tenacity. Gives me hope as well.

  10. My goodness, I never realized just how effective would be a pathetic plea for comments! I'll have to try that again sometime...I thank you all!

    And especially, welcome to the lurkers this post has brought out of the shadows...KD, Jacqueline, and Ellie...I think because I have about five semi-regular commentors, I've convinced myself that those are the only people who are reading...It's good to know otherwise, though that does raise the specter of a whole OTHER horde of "unknown" individuals out there...

    Anyway. Thank you for the much-appreciated jolt of blog-love. :)
