Sunday, August 17, 2008

"Oy," Also "Vey".

2 PM, voice mail left on my cell phone:
"Hey, G, it's me. Listen, call me when you get this message because I've been having a REALLY BAD past couple of days and I know it's not your problem but I really need somebody to speak to."

4 PM, same:
"G..." (to someone in background: "Shut the fuck up,") "Hey, G, call me as soon as you get this message, okay?"

Now, Tim knows what my cell-phone situation is, so it was my measured opinion that if it was REALLY important, he would call the HOUSE phone. But the second message, with its background argument, made me curious enough to call him.

He answered on the fourth ring: "G--hey. Listen, I'm on my way up there," he told me, "because I can't be around this crazy motherfucker ANY MORE." And then there ensued about fifteen minutes of that I'm-talking-to-the-person-on-the-phone-but-really-I'm-talking-to-the-person-in-the-room-with-me-who-is-the-real-target-of-what-I'm-saying kind of thing. In fact--once the practical outcome of the conversation had been achieved--I just took my ear away from the phone. He wasn't telling me anything I didn't know already (Squeaky's dad is a semi-crazy, extremely-lazy, parasitical welfare-cheat) and frankly, I wasn't that interested. As I said, the main outcome had been arrived at; Tim's on his way over and will most likely be spending a couple of days--at least--on my floor.

This is going to be interesting.

Curiously, I'm not complaining. I'm learning things about myself, these past few months, and one of the things I've learned is: the neat and quiet life isn't all it's cracked up to be. I need a little messiness, a little (okay, a LOT) of stuff going on; not so much cleaning up after everyone around me, but at least having all their stuff play out in my vicinity. Otherwise I get lonely and bored and BORED and depressed, and grossly uncreative. (Speaking of which--I'm taking my REAL computer in this week, and once it's fixed I'm going to scan in a crapload of my artwork. I've been doing a lot of work in colored pencils, pastels, and conte crayons; I wouldn't call it groundbreaking, by any stretch, but it's surely fun, and some of it is quite pretty. In fact, my next step is to buy some mat-board and start decorating.)

I don't necessarily like this new development--and the minute Tim starts with "Squeaky has no place to stay," my attitude will change 180 degrees, to "And Out You Go Too!!"--but for the moment, hey, what the hell--I'll take care of the world for a while longer.

I mean, SOMEBODY's got to, right?


  1. Aw, Gladys. Not again. I just hope a couple of days doesn't turn into a couple of weeks, months, or years.

    Tim's got to get his act together eventually, right? He got himself into that situation; he can figure out how to get out without dragging you into it.

    Be careful, girl. I'm telling you now, this is not a good idea at all. And I promise never to say I told you so.

    Because you're so kind, give him two days and tell him to go. If you make it three days, it'll turn into a week.

  2. G,
    don't MAKE me come up there and kick your ass. Seriously??

    i can't believe i agree with TIM on the CR situation. but he's right.
    do you remember phone conversations we had that he could not STAND to be without your attention for 2 minutes, so he was going off in the background? lying, cheating, bringing other girls home, infantile drama king.......

    PLEASE G, stay the fuck away from him. Tim is right, the more you talk to him, the more he will suck you in. that's what he does.

    And on the house guest situation, don't get me started.

    look at all the crafts and drawings you're doing. you weren't able to do that in chaos central.

    i don't think you're missing these people, you're just bored and lonely. take an art class or something. jump on the boards and meet some new peeps.
    you're doing so well.

    :::end of lecture::::
    and btw- i am NOT staying with you-know-who. i'm staying with a burner friend. so there!

