Wednesday, August 20, 2008


To all of you who foresaw Tim moving into my apartment--bag, baggage, and cat--for a long stay, I say unto thee: Neener. Neener neener neener, as a matter of fact.

He stayed on the floor for two nights, then early Tuesday afternoon I was wakened by a tug on my foot. "Hey," he said. "I'm heading out...."

And he did. Basically he just needed a place to go for a couple of days after their fight; no big deal. I have no problem with that.

As for CR, the nice thing about THAT situation is that he's safely several hundred miles away, with no wish whatsoever to come back here. (I will say, though, that despite myself, I'm impressed with what he's accomplished since he left--he's been working steadily, went back to school--he's done a lot. Despite that, though, I am absolutely certain that the old CR is lurking beneath the surface...apparently the one sticking-point in getting his degree is the math credit. Math is not his thing. I can understand THAT--but what I CAN'T understand is how, exactly, he managed to piss off EVERY SINGLE TUTOR in the department. Except yes, I can; it's CR, after all.)

I think the thing with CR is going to best be summed up with the following statement: Just because I don't hate him, that doesn't mean I have to fuck him. And no matter what, I always gave him credit for one thing--he was always fun to talk to.

So: no unwanted new roomies, no intruding exes; basically, it's all good. And now if I can just get my real computer fixed, I could show you all what I've been doing while not blogging.