Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Next on Jerry Springer

From today's Chicago Tribune:

When Marshall Field's employed a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs theme for its 2004 holiday festivities, the Chicago-born retailer received some complaints that it was promoting the homosexual lifestyle, an executive said recently.

The concerned citizens divined that there was a "hidden gay agenda" in Field's theme "because seven men were living together."

Next on Jerry Springer:

Mother Goose--Got MILF?

Secrets of the Gingerbread Man-- He's Hooked On Confectioner's Sugar

Hansel and Gretel: "We Had A Four-Way With Jack and Jill!"

Goldilocks and Baby Bear: The Shocking Truth!

Jeeeeeez, people. Haven't you got anything better to do?


  1. I wouldn't mind shacking up with 7 gay men right about now ;)

  2. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    It's so absolutely positively ridiculous, all this "gay subtext" in every blessed thing in our life. No one ever points the finger at the Greased Lightning scene in "Grease" wherein greasy boys actually grind their lovely hips against other greasy boys' backsides, but Sponge Bob has the nerve to hold hands with Patrick the Starfish and the world comes crashing down.

    I would be more concerned if I believed the majority of the population bought into the absurd allegations.

    Out of curiousity, did the store back down or just laugh at the finger pointers?

  3. And "Snow White - got MILF?" is freaking HYSTERICAL, Gladys.

  4. Pisser: The gay ones still leave the seat up, though.

    Ka: I couldn't agree with you more--it's insane. Tinky Winky was gay?? I mean, WTF?????

    I think the store snickered and went on about their business, a move which I applaud.

  5. Gladys, off topic but I have a couple of questions for you.
    Do your links keep moving about?
    or am I going (more) bonkers?

  6. Flash--

    Yes, they do. And yes, you also are. :)

    (Blogrolling has a "randomize" setting. Fun with the unhinged!!)
