Saturday, March 19, 2005


Remember that interview I totally thought I whiffed?

Sitting in my spam box, as of 4:15 yesterday afternoon (I wasn't even home yet from the interview at that point) was a message stating that I am one of the final two candidates for this position.

First: Wha? Huh??? FUH???? How the hell???? But...okay, I fact, way BETTER than "okay". Fucking OUTSTANDING, as a matter of fact!

Second: WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! (Okay, I'm done now.)

Third: Oh holy shit--they're gonna contact my references now. Which means Big Boss Bitch Beverly will now know: her pet tech is trying to fly the coop. And Beverly does NOT like it when people leave. She just DOESN'T. She has been known to completely stop speaking to employees once they give their two weeks' notice--seriously. And if they call her--which of course they HAVE to do, since she is my current employer and all--but if they call her and I DON'T get the job? Oh, holy shit.

(But also? Hehehehehehehehehe.....oh, it's gonna be SOME fun there without me, let me just say. Database upgrade happens this weekend and we're right smack in the middle of spring mailing and suddenly I might be LEAVING?? couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people, let me just tell you.)

Not that I'm counting my chickens, or anything. It's just nice to know that it's POSSIBLE.


  1. Yay for you! Does Beverly know you're looking? Would she react better if she knew the call was coming in advance? You'd be completely within your rights to ask the place with which you're interviewing to let you know before they call Beverly so you can talk to her first. They would probably appreciate that you're so considerate to your employer that you want to be sure that they hear it from you first!

    I'm so happy for you that you are making changes you want to make. (Including to the layout, which I like.) Go get 'em!

    Anonymous Sandy

  2. I hope you get it and I really hope its the job you've been looking for.

  3. My boss does that too, supposedly...I don't know how people can take things personally in this job market! Except he takes it one step further, and will have you escorted out by security after your termination date...

  4. My fingers are crossed for you.
