Saturday, March 12, 2005

Thank God For Stomach Flu

Well, the database upgrade is NOT happening this weekend.

"Oh, Gladys!" I hear you saying. "So they finally decided that your professional opinion WAS worth something after all! You must be so proud." Because it had nothing to do with me at all.

Samuel, the guy who's "in charge" of this upgrade--and I use "in charge" in much the same way that George W. Bush uses it when he implies that American forces are "in charge" of the Iraq situation--anyway, Samuel is immobilized by stomach flu. Can't get more than 20 feet from the bathroom. Even THEN they were talking about still doing the upgrade, but Noreen managed to put the kibosh on that. "I don't want him touching my computer!! I had that flu ONCE already this year--I don't want it AGAIN!!!"

Next week: two interviews. I am SO getting out of there.


  1. Best of luck on the interviews!

  2. Again, good luck with your forthcoming interviews.
    Sorry for my recent absence, I have popped by but the bloody comments wouldn't work!
