Friday, January 20, 2006

:::inarticulate gurgling noise:::

Okay, you guys. I know it's been a week since I last posted, but seriously? It seems like hours. This week has gone by in a blur...a blur with column headings and row numbers, brought to you by Microsoft. That's right--I have spent the week in a hell of Excel.

From Monday through today, all I have done at work is to work on a grossly complicated system of Excel spreadsheets, which was left to me by someone who didn't know what it did, nor did the person before him. Between my boss, my uber-boss, one of the programmers, and myself, we managed to figure out today that we've been sending out inaccurate data on this spreadsheet for at least a year or more. Yet no one has noticed or corrected it, til it came to my realm of influence, whereupon the recipients have started to scrutinize every last little cell, every last formula.

I don't know how this thing works. I could figure it out, given peace and time; but every time I come near figuring it out, someone finds something else that needs to be changed, which upscuttles my understanding and forces me to start over. Seriously: NO ONE IN THE COMPANY has the knowledge of what, exactly, this thing is supposed to do, and how. There are six or seven people who each have pieces of what it ought to do, or where it ought to be getting its data from--but some of them are wrong, and some people's information contradicts other people's info, and all of it confuses me.

What's worst: I was told today that this is entirely my responsibility, even the things I don't know, and that I SHOULD know them, and that my NOT knowing them is a disappointment. In essentially those exact words, was I told this. So now I'm worrying that my job is in jeopardy, and let's just forget the fact that NO ONE TRAINED ME when I started this job, and even the person before me who did this same report for OVER A YEAR had any idea of how it worked. Somehow all that is to be overlooked, and I am suddenly expected to do what two people before me and five people around me don't seem capable of doing, regardless of the fact that they have been here MUCH longer than I have and know MUCH more about the workings of the business than I do.

I stayed past 6 two days this week, and didn't leave before 5:30 except for once. I went to lunch yesterday, too--otherwise, no. So it's not for lack of trying. And I will be working on it from home this weekend, at the request of the boss.

I am SO TIRED of this spreadsheet. I am seeing cell references in my sleep.

My brain has turned to oatmeal. RUNNY oatmeal.

I think I need a nap.


  1. It might be easier to just create a whole new one. Good luck.

  2. Excel is the DEVIL!! DOWN WITH EXCEL!! I seem to have managed to work my new company away from using Excel for everything. We're very nearly done with our new database. I love enter things oncen and voila you get all the reports and information you want with a few clicks here and there. If only the beast you are working on could be generated from some kind of database. I feel your pain and I wish you luck in conquering the evil that is the Excel Spreadsheet

  3. Zounds! I esp liked the "well even the stuff that you don't know you should know" -- how circular is that? It reminds me of a friend of mine, and she had her yearly salary review and her boss was (at one point) talking about a certain project and saying how disappointed he was that she didn't finish it. She admitted that she had never even HEARD of the project. The manager checks and LO! he hadn't assigned the project to her (nor anyone else for that matter)! He concluded, that he was still going to have to down grade her score since she didn't finish it!

    Happened onto your blog by chance (whilest looking for one of my own which (oddly enough) was titled "In-articulate gurgle").

    check my (relatively newbie)

    -- Frank Leeding.

    (peace always)
