Monday, January 9, 2006

The Reason It's So Quiet... that absolutely nothing is happening.

And it's wonderful!

LJ is out of town, since Friday, and so I have spent the intervening days doing just exactly what I wanted to do, nothing more. Mostly this has involved the damn word game, watching TV, doing needlepoint, and chasing cats out of my bed. I had my second session of therapy last night, which went well, and I came home and ate ice-cream for dinner and was very happy. And when I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep, I laid in bed and watched "Little House on the Prairie".

I like this life. I like solitude, probably more than I ought to. I miss LJ when he's not around, but I'm also more relaxed, and spend more time doing things I enjoy--even if those things are just puttering around and wasting time. I know I should be more productive, but I figure that will come with time; right now I'm working on just being kind to myself.

Which is kinda fun, really.


  1. Sounds nice. Sometimes we lose track of what we'd really like to do when we are on someone else's agenda.

    But why not share the bed with the kittays? ;)

  2. That's something people too often forget to do--be kind to themselves. I'm glad you're doing it.

  3. Solitude can be a good friend. Enjoy!

  4. Enjoy the silence while you've got it. It doesn't visit often.
