Thursday, November 1, 2007

I Am

...very, very happy.
Very, VERY happy.
And also....carless.
(That does not say "CARELESS"; it says "carless". As in, sans car. Without vehicle. Devoid of transport.)

Apparently, LJ's girlfriend wasn't making her payments; yesterday afternoon, I got a nearly-frantic call from LJ, asking for the address where the car was parked, so that she wouldn't get arrested for concealing it. I gave him the info, and this morning when I left, the car was gone.

I am absolutely fine with that. I WALK to work. Today it took me six minutes to walk home. SIX. I got home at 6:36 PM; when I was at the old place, I would get home a little before 8:00, once you figured in the whole "could you stop at the store for ___ (smokes, beer, junk food for Squeaky, anything Tim's heart desired)" issue. That's a time savings of almost NINETY MINUTES--one way.

Which is good, because I need the time to unpack.

Mom saw the new place for the first time today; she drove me to the clinic, which was the only drawback to the repo situation--I'll need to figure out how I'm going to work THAT, but I figure all I'll have to do is change my pickup day to Monday, then take the bus. She loved the apartment, which is great; it makes two of us.

I am almost scared, being this happy. JP's anniversary was Tuesday; I didn't forget it, but I chose not to dwell on it. It's hard to dwell on sad things in the middle of a Chicago autumn. It's been absolutely beautiful here this week; sunny days, cool nights, peace and quiet and no Tim-and-Squeaky. I almost feel like it's too perfect to last long--I'm not used to a drama-free, safe and quiet life. At night I sleep like a stone, now that I don't have to sleep with one ear open for the creaking of the front gate or chaos out on the sidewalk. It's not that I don't miss my house; I think I will always, on some level, wonder what might have been. But being here is a weight off my shoulders--so many responsibilities I don't have to worry about anymore, so many details that are no longer mine to deal with. It feels good.

I am very, very happy.


  1. I'm happy for you. This has been a great autumn, and I don't just mean the weather. I hope that you can start concentrating on Gladys, and all her needs, instead of others. Good luck and I'm pulling for ya.


    Is Firefly blogging again? I loved her South America travel blog and just wondered if she started up again.

  2. I am so happy for you (and jealous! I'd kill for a 6 minute one way commute!)


  3. That's wonderful. It's great to see you in a safe place and able to live through the anniversary without being consumed by depression and grief.

  4. So glad that you've found a place that's all yours (well yours and the kitty babies) to hang your hat. Welcome Home!!!

    The Princess
    (Formally known as WiPrincess
