Thursday, November 22, 2007

Things I Am Thankful For, 2007 Edition

Things I am thankful for, in no particular order:

--the disruption of peace and quiet by two gorgeous kitties
--employment and the accoutrements thereof
--...especially the paycheck part
--singlehood (which I'm thankful for, except when I'm not)
--that I'm ME, and not some other people of my acquaintance
--my mom (I'd say "family", not so much--except for Dad's side...Okay, so: family.)
--my friends, both the blog kind and the "real-life" kind
--the absence of drama
--the substantial amount of extremely delicious food which I am now going to Mom's for the purpose of consuming.

I'm thankful, as well, that anybody bothers to read this drivel--so a happy Thanksgiving to all of you! May your family be non-contentious, your turkey juicy, and your gravy lump-free.


  1. Was thinking of you. Have a nice Thanksgiving.


  2. I'm thankful for you, among all my blog-friends, today.

    Have a wonderful feast.

  3. I thought surely that living in an unSqueaky'd residence would make your gratitude list. Or is that a whole nother list altogether?

  4. ok, g,
    i know things aren't THAT quiet?
    what up?
    btw, why, immediately after you reach your site, does some godawful popup screen direct you to another page?
