Thursday, November 13, 2008

Something That Inexplicably Pisses Me Off Way More Than It Ought To

Okay. So all over the news, there's this link to a story about a former American Idol contestant who drove to Paula Abdul's house and killed herself, apparently. Her name was Paula Goodspeed, and she apparently was one of the not-so-good auditions from the 2006 season.

I don't remember her. I don't remember 99.999% of the bad auditions; in fact, I'd say I remember less than 75% of the actual top-ten contestants of a given season. But I do love the show; Season 1 got me through the summer after CR left me, and along with "Shrek" and "O Brother Where Art Thou?", I have to give it credit for the gloriously-necessary distraction that it was.

Not my point, though.

My point is: In not ONE of the articles, not one of the links that I've seen to the story of her suicide, do they actually show a picture of Paula Goodspeed. Instead we're treated to picture after picture of Paula Abdul--one of the most overexposed, most useless celebrities I've ever encountered. We KNOW what her goofy ass looks like; yet every media outlet that's writing about this poor girl's suicide, is making it into a story about stupid Paula Abdul.

Talk about shit not being fair....

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on that. I got so annoyed I did a Google search on Paula Goodspeed. I found a link to her performance on the show. Not at all what I was expecting.

    Here is the link I found:
