Thursday, June 23, 2005

Again: REALLY Frickin' Hot, Yo

Heat index: about 100. Seriously damn unpleasant, so I was kinda--dare I say?--GLAD to get back to work today. Because in my office, there is air conditioning.

Everyone was glad to see me, to one degree or another. Big Boss Beverly, I have decided, is just a grotesquely insincere human being; she told me how glad she was that I was feeling better, but her expression was like someone talking to a plate of rotten meat.

Everyone else, though, was sincerely glad to see me, and surprised by how healthy I looked, and they all loved my haircut I'm reluctantly accepting the consensus here. It's tolerable. I'll grant it that much. And it IS easier to deal with in the morning.

There were a couple of subversives--most notably Sara and the Brit--who, when they saw me, expressed a mild and facetious level of disbelief as to whether or not I'd ever actually BEEN sick. Sara: "We did some research, when they said what was wrong with you, because we weren't really sure you just didn't stumble on the only possible way to get two weeks off around here." I only wish I'd thought of it, I told her.

And then this: "You look amazing," said the Brit, which (you know what's coming here, right?) ::::SQUEEEEE:::! Because speaking of looking amazing...oh, MAN. I walked into the summer office and he was sitting there, looking overheated and frazzled and harried, with his glasses on (extra hot)...and then he looked up at me and smiled. And then the rest of the staff took a couple of rolls of paper towels and blotted me up from my little puddle on the floor, and wrung me out and put me back together...He is just too damn cute. Once again--it is NOT cool that he has a girlfriend. Especially not a pretty, political one. If he HAS to have a girlfriend, why couldn't he have some ugly shrewish hypocritical bitchy slattern? That would make my life much easier. :::sigh::::

The higher-ups left me mostly alone today; I question whether that will be the case tomorrow. But hopefully I won't be there much longer anyway...I'm still waiting to hear about my new interview date.

I'm going upstairs now, where the air-conditioner now mercifully dwells, to watch the rest of "Hit Me Baby 1 More Time". Which Wang Chung SO should have won last week, IMHO--any 80's band willing to take a swing at "Hot In Herre", and actually CARRY IT OFF, deserves MAJOR recognition. Stoopid Irene Cara was nowhere NEAR as good.

By the way--it's REALLY frickin' hot.


  1. Wang chung did Hot in herre???
    Get out!!!

  2. And they did a GREAT job of it, too! My mom walked in as I was watching and I was sitting there with my jaw just flapping wide open--I could NOT believe they were doing that, and even LESS could I believe how WELL they were doing it. I sorta expected a trainwreck.
