Thursday, June 2, 2005

Escape Velocity

Not to jinx it or anything, BUT...

I had two interviews this morning. The first one went pretty well (though the job seems like it might be an eensy wee bit over my head); the second, the one for Best Job Ever, went OUTSTANDINGLY. And I just got a call telling me that they will be flying me out to New York one day next week for another interview. AND that there's only one other person being considered, and that I have "a slight edge" at the moment.

One: I have never been to New York.
Two: SQUEEEEE!!!!!!
Three: There's a good chance I'll know by the end of next week. The guy I met today, one of the hiring guys, is getting married next Saturday and will be off for ten days as a result; they want to fill the position, and so...well, you know the rest.

(I have a long and impressive history of getting jobs right around my birthday. And that's in eleven days, y'all, so you need to start planning how you're going to send my cake. I'm partial to lemon cake, or yellow with caramel frosting. Just so you know.)

The best part of this, and the part which clearly makes me a bad person?

If--hypothetically--I were to find out next Friday, the 10th; and if---again hypothetically--I were to give my 2 weeks immediately (and you KNOW I'm gonna just about embarrass myself with joy when THAT moment comes!), that would put my last day on the Friday BEFORE the summer season kickoff.

There could be more organizationally-inconvenient times for me to be leaving...but not many.

And THAT, despite my normal veneer of civilization and team-player-ness, would make me grin so hard my face hurts just thinking about it.

Fortunately I'm not the only one. I found out yesterday that at least 80% of the rest of the staff is ALSO looking to leave--which tells you a LOT about how horrible things are at Place Where I Work. My ideal world, of course, would involve everyone leaving on exactly the same day...but that's too much to ask for.

Isn't it? ::bwahahahaha::::


  1. I'm crossing all my fingers and toes (I don't know how I'll walk or work, but that's okay).

  2. Your birthday's June 13th?!?

    Hmmm...lucky 13, huh?

  3. I so hope you get this job. I'll be crossing fingers, toes, & folding hands.
