Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Stoopid Corporate America

Those of you who believe in "everything happens for a reason", would you please line up for your richly-deserved beating?

After weeks of anticipation and constant reassurances that yes, they still wanted to interview me, Best Job Ever just evaporated. Apparently there was another position, a more important one, that just opened up in New York, and they've decided to direct their energies toward filling that position. (Which sounds TOTALLY fishy to me--what, they can only fill one position at a time???) As the recruiter said (between apologies)--"When something's on the front burner, they'll put all their time into it, but once it's put on the back burner...." Also, "Would you maybe be interested in the New York position?" he asked. Which...okay, yeah, I thought about it for a second, but...no. New York is not one of those places I ever wanted to live. The flatlands of Wisconsin, in a farmhouse miles away from the nearest neighbors? Sure. But not New York.

I simply could not be more disappointed. And granted, I still do have one local possibility, for which I interview on Thursday morning--the one that I thought might be a wee bit over my head--but I really, REALLY had my heart set on this job. It's not 100% for sure that the job isn't being filled--I'm supposed to call the recruiter back a week from today for the final verdict--but it's not looking good.

I'm starting to wonder if all these near-misses and almost-had-its are meant to send me some kind of message. I've known for a while that I don't want to do tech support for the rest of my life. I want to do a bunch of small things--write, run my bakery, eventually open up a little coffee shop somewhere--but none of those will pay the bills immediately, and most of them require money to start up. And right now, I need MORE money, not less. It's not that I'm living a wildly profligate lifestyle--about the only thing we could cut out of the budget would be the extravagant number of cable channels--but the house costs a lot to keep running. And this house, expensive and crappy though it is, is maybe the only thing I can point to in my life right now and say "This was not a mistake." I know I made the right decision, but I can't get it to where I want it to be, where I can show it to other people and have them agree that it wasn't a mistake. And I've been counting on getting a better job to put me in a position where I CAN fix up the house...but now I'm wondering if maybe there's not something else I'm supposed to be doing.

Then I think, what a lot of superstitious hoo-hah. I need a job, I need money, I need to put my nose to the grindstone and suck it up and just do what needs to be done, and all these pipe-dreams aren't going to pay for a new roof. (Although--the HUD inspector called today, and he's coming out Saturday to take a look at just how badly I got rooked on this place, so maybe the roof will get paid for somehow...)

I'm just really, really disappointed about this job. I really thought I had it.


  1. Gladys I'm so sorry to hear...listen very closely: READ NOTHING INTO THE FACT THAT SOME FUCKWIT DECIDED NOT TO HIRE YOU! (Don't make me say it again.)

    The hiring biz is a capricious thing, and the hirers can many times come to regret what they thought were sound decisions (been there, done that). Let go, and keep searching those classifieds.

    I hear you about the money. What I wouldn't give to be independent enough to just do a full-time private therapy practice right now. Keep your eyes on your dreams, though.

  2. I'm with spinsterwitch on this one.
    Don't take it personally.
    I work as an IT consultant, and it all seems fairly random to me at client sites.

    Your're clearly one of the good ones; hang in there and it will work out.

  3. Buck up sister!
    I agree with spinsterwitch and Anonymous, it's not about you, it's about them...companies are weird with who they hire and who they don't, don't take it personally.
    I feel your pain though my search landed me in a totally loser position, I've been searching since I discovered this place was all wrong, and have yet to get anywhere. Keep looking, something will turn up, I can feel it!

  4. Big hugs Gladys, I know you'll bounce back.
    It's their loss, the silly buggers.

  5. They don't know who they just missed out on. Just remember that where one door closes, another one opens. When you get the job you want, it'll be much better than you expect.

  6. Thanks, everyone, for your comments...I'm not taking it personally that they didn't hire me--I've been not-hired enough that I know better--but I'm pissed at having been led on for weeks and then dropped. It doesn't work in relationships and it sure as hell does nothing for me from an employer.

    If they had just come out the day I was supposed to be in NY and said "damn, sorry you couldn't make the interview but you understand the position that we're in here..." I would have been disappointed, but I would have been okay with it too. But this was just shitty.

    I have an interview tomorrow, for a job I guess I sorta want...It's still a let-down, though.
