Friday, November 10, 2006

Unemployment Day 15: Asshats and Bad News

I suppose I should grant the folks at Interview #2 (the job I really wanted) at least this: they were prompt and polite. I interviewed Wednesday and I got the rejection letter today, so I'm thinking they mailed it out immediately after the interview.

...which I thought went so WELL!

Where getting fired rattled me not at all, not getting this job has managed to shake my confidence rather thoroughly. The main reason it worries me is, I had EXACTLY the skill-set they were looking for, to a whatever motivated them not to hire me was most likely a personality issue. THAT scares the hell out of me. It's very easy for me to get employers to like me...or at least, it WAS. I'm worried now.

I signed the waiver from the last job today, as well...I went to the office to drop it off--per the instructions given to me on the last day: "Just drop it off up front and have the receptionist let someone from H.R. know that you're here"--and as advertised, the receptionist called H.R. She had to call several times before she found anyone, but finally one of the H.R. assistants came out and said "Dick will be with you in a minute."

Well, apparently "a minute" is malleable in HR time--because Dick didn't show up for nearly twenty minutes. During that time one of my old co-workers, with whom I'd been fairly close, walked past me and barely acknowledged me. Thinking she hadn't seen me, I said "Hey, Sue!" She glanced at me. "Oh, hey Gladys," she said, and kept going. It was very odd. Later, a couple of the users whose computers I'd worked on passed by, and they stopped and talked and were very surprised to hear that I'm no longer working there. They wished me luck and everything, which made Sue's reaction seem even odder.

Dick showed up a few minutes later and signed his space on the waiver, and handed it over to me. That was that, and yet somehow he still managed to be an asshelmet about it. Subtle asshelmetry is the worst kind, if you ask me.

Then I got home and that delicious little rejection letter was waiting for me. So all in all, it has been a very not-so-fucking-nice day in Gladystopia, and...Well, actually there is no "and". It, is all.

1 comment:

  1. Things can always be worse, right? You could be unemployed with two babies to take care of, like my husband (who was laid off at the beginning of September and still hasn't found a job), and he also just had back surgery on Tuesday, which will delay any interviews until G-d only knows.

    I'm not trying to minimize your problems. Just know that they could always be worse.

    I know you'll find something you truly love, where you'll be appreciated. Things just always seem to work out, even when we think otherwise.
