Thursday, June 24, 2004

Eric Zorn Apparently Does Not Hate My Blog

Update 6/30/04: I sent EZ a tweaky e-mail about his indifference to my blog, and he did point out an important hangup with my Jack Ryan hypothesis--and also asked me for my URL, so I must conclude that he does NOT hate my blog--he just failed to register its existence among the squizillions of e-mails he receives daily. Hell, I can barely remember half the stuff that comes through my e-mail at work, and I only get 50 or 60 in the course of a day--and I'm not a major-paper columnist, or even a minor-paper one. End update...)

1 comment:

  1. No, I don't hate your blog and yes I am totally snowed under by stuff I get. Doin' my best, though.
