Friday, June 4, 2004

Kills Time Dead (Updated 6/6/04)

Note: The "Fishy" link described below, being Fishy in more ways than one, has been deactivated 6/6/04. Keep reading.

I really, really, really must stop reading Zorn's blog. Don't get me wrong--it's one of my favorite features about the Trib online-- but he keeps putting in those links to time-wasters, things like Pingu and the Orisinal games, and now this --Fishy! I'm sure these are lovely little distractions for a dull moment--for those who have willpower.

Apparently this is not a category of human into which I fall.

This game has absolutely destroyed my at-home productivity for the past three nights. It's addictive to the point of lunacy, and it's compounded by the lack of a "pause" feature--once you get your fish going, you'll ignore all other competing stimuli in the quest to keep the little bastard alive. (The other night we were in the living room, LJ watching a movie on the couch, and there came a knock at the door. I had a good fish in progress, and instead of springing up to answer the door--after all, I was closer to it, and he was sitting on our Man-Eating Sofa--the kind it's impossible to stand up from once you sit back--I actually said to him "I ain't gettin' that--I've got a fish going here!!" I'm lucky he's a patient man who already KNOWS I'm slightly odd.)

So far, my high score is a pitiful 2241.

Update, 6/6/04: DO NOT GO TO THIS SITE!!!! I have DE-linked "Fishy" because it installed beaucoup adware on my PC, which has caused me five days of trying to get rid of it and trying to figure out where the hell it all came from!! I'm a diligent techie--I run SpyRemover every week, in an effort to cleanse my PC of any crapware installed when LJ or his friends access some skeevy site--and suddenly, a day or two after its last run, my PC started spewing popups and my browser turned to molasses. I've spent five days alternately running spy-removal programs (incidentally, AdAware is WAY better than SpyRemover)and accusing LJ of having gone to some heinous porno site--which, of course, he denied. Apparently he was being truthful; I must remember to apologize to him.

I finally pinned it down to Fishy this afternoon. Stupid adware creators!!!! I loved that game.

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